PHEW!! Finding a new blogskin is definitely a very tough one. Especially when you have not change your skins lately. Well here's the only skin which doesn't give me any problem. Lately I've been slacking and practicing the song that Faizzul wanted to play during promotion night. Today i woke up at 5am as usual. Had my early breakfast and then went out studying at the block I usually study. Gosh studying in the morning makes a lot of difference. 6am and there's no one out there. At around 12, 3 nurse came to me and had a little chat while waiting for the patient to be ready. The two men went up and left a chinese lady nurse with. We chat and laugh as if I've known her long. She kept on staring at my eyes but I just kept on laughing. After that meet up with Adha and chilled for awhile. After which i went home and started changing my blogskin. So from 4pm till now, i spent on changing and editing the blogskin. Okay guys, I want to relax right now. That's all folks! BYE!
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
The last day of exam is tomorrow!! I couldn't be more happier after 2 weeks and 4 days of exams. BUT! Mother Tongue O'level is nearing. Like 20 more days?? I have to buck up on that. I need to get a minimum of B3. And the rest i can just boost on it.'s tiring these few days. It's raining cats and dogs right now. Lightning everywhere. I just love the weather right now. It makes me wanna sleep but the situation doesn't let me. Studied for Q.A just now. Took just 30 minutes cause i've studied for it before. D&T paper was the only subject that was easy. I studied briefly for it. Most of the question are quite okay except for the electronic part. Sucks at it although it's more to physics but generally higher level. Well that's all...i wanna play computer games!!!! Bye!
Well how do I say it, it's been 1 month and 2 days since I blogged?? Kind of busy you know. Time do flies very fast. I just can't stop complaining about it. Well a lot things happened in my life. Too many things to share, too many things to say but I won't share. It has been raining cats and dogs. I just love the weather. It's cooling and make me wanna sleep in class. But hey I have to concentrate. O' Levels you know. In class, I would tend to day dream in class and easily fall asleep especially Geography. It makes me wanna zzz...Somehow I just feel I need a time-out. I can't take it anymore. I can't plan my time well. Everything would just end up something that i don't want. I have to concentrate with D&T and so on. The only best day of my life was Good Friday. It was great. Cycled around Bukit Panjang and then played concentration with Adha, Sabrina and Faizzul. Played till 11+ then went home late but it was FRIDAY!! HAHAH!! Okay folks. That's all. I want to rest. kind of tired BYE
This is just something I wanna share: Skid Row - Wasted Time
You and I together in our lives
Sacred ties would never fray
Then why can't I let myself tell lies
And watch you die every day
I think back to the times
When dreams were what mattered
Tough talking youth naivete
You said you never let me down
But the horse stampedes and rages
In the name of desperation
Is it all just wasted time
Can you look at yourself
When you think of what
You left behind
Is it all just wasted time
Can you live with yourself
When you think of what
You left behind
Paranoid delusions they haunt you
Where's my friend I used to know
He's all alone
He's buried deep within a carcass
Searching for a soul
Can you feel me inside your heart
As it's bleeding
Why can't you belive you
can't be loved
I hear you scream in agony
And the horse stampedes and rages
In the name of desperation
Is it all just wasted time
Can you look at yourself
When you think of what
You left behind
Is it all just wasted time
Can you live with yourself
When you think of what
You left behind
You said you never let me down
But the horse stampedes and rages
In the name of desperation
Is it all just wasted time
Can you look at yourself
When you think of what
You left behind
Is it all just wasted time
Can you live with yourself
When you think of what
You left behind
The sun will rise again
The earth will turn to sand
Creation's colors seem to fade to grey
And you'll see the sickly hands of time
Will write your final rhyme
And end a memory
I never thought you'd let it get
this far, boy
I'm sick!! Man must it be now?! In the middle of something important? Thanks to my mom, I can't go to school. She kept on complaining about my sickness and then my dad said "Go to the clinic tomorrow" I was like zzz...I had never rest at home when I'm sick. I will always go to school quietly without anyone knowing hehehe. But hey, I have a good sense of hygiene, okay? Well at first i thought of what an unlucky day but think again, I CAN DO MY D&T!!! hahahaha. I can study for the test and have a bloody good rest. Still I'll miss lesson. Gained something, lose something. URGH!! Well think that's all folks. Kinda of lazy to carry on. Update again soon!! BYE!!
It's the eve of Chinese New Year and guess what? There's no one walking on the pathway! It was 8.30pm. I walked alone in the streets. At first I went to Senja Grand to buy some things but it was closed. Then I went to Greenridge. while walking, I found myself alone. I thought to myself. Is it 8.30 or 3.30? Can't believe it would be that creepy during the Chinese New Year. Much worst than Hungry Ghost Festival. But who cares. I could hear people laughing. Some were eating together as a family. Kinda of fun. There was one particular part where I was on my way to Greenridge, I saw Mr Sng's car!! Hahaha. Well had CNY performance on friday. After that, I went to my grandmother's house. Gonna have one hell of a time for the holidays! Well I think, that's all folks. Update again!
Well I'm posting again. You guys wanna know my schedule? Don't be shocked!
Monday: English remedial, 3.30 - 4.30
Tuesday: D&T remedial, 2.30 - 3.30 and CNY rehearsal, 3.30 - 6.30(estimated)
Wednesday: Chemistry or Maths, 2.30 - 3.30 and CNY rehearsal, 3.30 - 6.30(estimated) or drums, 3.30 - 5.30
Thursday: Physics remedial, 2.30 - 3.30 and drums, 3.30 - 5.30
Upcoming performance: CNY, NYGH, Drumzout or maybe YOG!
I'm gonna have a very hectic schedule this year. Almost everyday I'll be going home late. I appear exhausted every day. Total Defense is around the corner and the practice too is sometime tiring. I can't afford to waste any time. Hell is coming but heaven will be after that. Sometimes, I feel like going to the tallest building in Singapore and shout aloud!! But cannot. I'll be caught for creating a nuisance hehehehe!! Well I think that's all folks. I'm kind of tired. BYE!!
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School