Great. This few days there is alot of test!!!!!. Hate test makes my brain explodes. Luckily there is only few hmwk to do. Can't stay late at school. Very sian right? So i got no choice but to online my msn which i prefer not to do these few days. Electric bill go up. Haha. Get scolding by my mum for playing to much computer games. Haha.
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Today, i went rollerblading alone. Then i met my primary school friends. All so tall and i'm still so short. Haha. Then i go home remembered that tomorrow got lvl test. Maths some more. Walao. Better study hard. Hope to pass the test. Pray that i will pass.Thanks :)
At 2.30 pm i went to air rifle, it was great. After air rifle i went to Sheng Siong with Joshua, Glenis and another 2 more person whom i did not know their name. Then at night i went out with with my friend Michelle. We go out then go home so late sia. Now i jus return home about 10 minutes ago. So funny sia when she tell about her school days in her secondary school. I still don't know what her school. Haha so i stupid don't want to ask her. For 3 days we go out to the same old boring place, Bukit Panjang Plaza. Maybe on thursday we go out to Greenridge Shopping Centre. Dunno what to eat what to talk. Haiya must plan 1st. But she evertime got something so say and do. So good, i wish ican be like her. Not to be a girl but to follow her attitude, very patience. She always likes to joke around and be serious just like me and Reyn. She 's different from other girls. She ussually very quiet but now she become so talkative. Well at least i got someone to talk to then talking alone. This year need to study harder. BUt with the help of my friends and teacher confirm i can pass. It just whether u want to do or don't want.
Yesterday, PE was the worse of all. Syafiq and the rest of us wants to play soccer with the 3TI boys. So we went in to the court and play. There was 2n3 boys playing soccer. Syafiq then tell to leave. But they were all not happy so syafiq kick their ball out of the school fence, it was an accident. So Ms Pek scolded syafiq and told him to take the ball but i was too dangerous for him as he was too short to climb so i help him and climb the fence. I suffered a lot of bruises but it was not painful hahaha! Today i learn al ot of new chinese words hahaha. i'll use it to go agaisnt that fool so fool i know now a bit of chinese and don't think i let u win that easily. Wahaha!!!
Today is the best day of my life, i spend 3/4 of the day at school talking to my friends cos no teacher around. Dunno why alot of teacher on mc. My MT, ENG & D&T teacher never come school. Bloody great. But if there is no D&T very boring cos D&T is fun. Tml practical whoo!!!. But tml i go and study with the fool if she want to study.But judging by her face she will eventually study. Maybe we study with mt. Dat mdm tan don wan to teach us. wat kind of teacher. My blog is not completely done. I 'll from Rachael bout this blog and see wether she can help me. Bear in mind that Rachael is a boy disguise as a gal. So if u want to state with her BECAREFUL!!!
Finally my cousins and uncle came to my grandmother's house.Now i feel happy cos there is someone to help me.Now the problem is my laptop which i'm using now needs to be charge every 3 days! Today at school very sian arh.Very boring. No more air rifle i guess. Anyway on Sat i went t o senja grand NTUC, i saw i very pretty gal.WHOO! At the counter she smiled at me and replied her smiled. At 1st i thought she laugh at me cos i was wearing something funny but then i realised she was laughing at me going to NTUC shopping for food. Is that funny to u? I guess not and i too think the same way. Back to the story, after that i went home. As my house is on the 2nd floor i decided to take the stairs. I went up and had difficulties in opening the door. Suddenly someone opened the door for me and guess what it was the whom i saw at the NTUC. I later found out that she was my neighbour's sis. Can imagine? Her sis iis a chinese marriede to a malay guy. But don'worry shes going to be mine. WHOO!!!!!
After school i went home walking with Si Xian. At first i feel very shy but after awhile i get use to it. i dunno why everytime i talk to gals i feel shy. last year not like this leh. why? After my friday prayer i go out rollerblading all the way to queensway. Sian arh for 2 weeks i got to to my grandma house very tiring and my schedule all are not followed properly. I got no time to play, chat, listen to music or go out with my friends. Haiya. Nvm only for 2 weeks mah. Anyway this year very fast past 1 week. After 2 weeks i'll be twisting and shouting. Hope to hang out with my friends
Today is my bad day. Could u believe what my PE teacher did to my class? The 2nd day of PE lesson she made us run 2.4km. Luckily i got the stamina to run 2.4. Many of my friends ask me: u run 2.4 ah? It makes my blood boils man but what to do, i cannot rebel to my teacher. i'm not that type of guy to show my rebellious attitude to an older person. Luckily i respect her if not her face blue-black already.Then after school i play in the rain which bloody fun. If only my friends was with me don't care lah boy or girl atleast they are with me playing in the rain. Think i'm going school tml going to have fever. Yea great!!!
Sian arh.... wat a tiring day, my bag full of books especially my D&T book. At 2 pm ileft school as usual then De ming create trouble n wan to settle it through sparing. When we sit at the block in front of the school Mr loy came, everybody ran like hell!! Hahaha!! very funny. At the LRT Syafiq run down the slope and fell. All of us laugh all the way. Very sia his face when he fall. But overall i enjoy wat had happened today.Hahaha!!!.Yea Tomorrow PE. Great!!
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
Grant It!
Keep On Doing It!
Please Don't Do It
- Great. This few days there is alot of test!!!!!. H...
- Today, i went rollerblading alone. Then i met my p...
- At 2.30 pm i went to air rifle, it was great. Afte...
- Yesterday, PE was the worse of all. Syafiq and the...
- Today is the best day of my life, i spend 3/4 of t...
- Finally my cousins and uncle came to my grandmothe...
- After school i went home walking with Si Xian. At ...
- Today is my bad day. Could u believe what my PE te...
- Sian arh.... wat a tiring day, my bag full of book...