Lick arh Rizal never come for 2 days cos he very scared for his birthday bash today, But nevermind tomorrow comfirm kena by us. Yes!!!!math test cancel then tomorrow is the test. WOHOOOO!!!!. Must study but i think it should be simple. Today after school study with Faizzul then play parkour for awhile then we play school catching with the 2E5 students. It was fun . Go home at 4 then do homework
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
I'm gonna fail my S.S test. Not enough time. Stupid class makes stupid noises. I finish my 1st and 2nd factor but the 3rd halfway only. My S.S gave me another 5min which was enough to complete the 3rd factor. Luckily My 1st and 2nd afctor i do properly if not i would probally get 3/12 marks which i don't intend to get. If i fail also i'm not suprise cos the factor i give not enough evidence but i hope to pass. Nevermind tomorrow can relax. Afternoon i go out then at night return home. whoo!!.Ouh ya i forgot physics exam for paper 1 mus get full marks because it is MCQ question. YES!!!
Today got physics remedial then end at 3.00pm. Disturb Hasbi like hell carry him trying to make him fall from fourth floor to first floor but we were just playing. Go to senja play parkour. then Hasbi injured his leg and bleed his nose. I carry him back to where we seal our bag then go home.Reach home at 5.00pm. Haha. so tired
Today finish school at 4.30pm so late. Got the lifeskkill programme. Then want to go home raining, so rush to greenridge go to banquet to eat chicken rice. After awhile saw Eva with her other friends. Then got 1 boy always touch Eva then faizzul got angry. Cos Faizzul stead with Eva. I told him to relax and he listened. About 5pm go out from the banquet go to one block and stay. When thinking of what happen i feel relief not to have gf, so who wants to stead with me, probilly 60% of the time i accept. But i'm a relax guy. I don't care who my gf go out with as long they are not timer. Wah if i found out my gf is a timer. I ask wether she wants to continue our relationship or break. Simple question to ask. But hey, who wants to staed with me? i just act nerd then when the time comes i show my true colour. Maybe during poly. HAHA!!!
Today went to school for awards day. Go out around 3.45pm meet Reyn den go to school. Saw Swee Yang, Jonathan and Kai wen at the hall and we join them, Watch the VIP enter with drum boys and i help Syafiq take video of him entering and playing the drums. Wait there hearing the talk and was so long so i talk to Reyn and sms Rachael.Haha. After that got concert. I like the band playing the song "Do That thing you do". It was so nice den the handbell so peacefully hearing them playing make me wan to sleep. The chinese drum playing their drums amd then finish. Just like that. I think they need to improve the ending. After that went to Greenridge, Reyn treat me and Mervin bubble tea. We went together. Reach home bout 7pm and i didn't feel tired if not today never online
After school went parkour again but then very boring. Then went home at 5pm, do malay homework after that got nothing to do. Wah sey luckily the physics test was easy. If not i fail my exam. Thanks mrs Ouh. I didn't study for test cause the mock test was simple so i thought the real test will be simple and what i predict was true. When is the rain going to stop?? Hate it when it rains everyday. Then later going sick and cold cause of the rain
Wah lick ah, very tired today play parkour with Faizzul and the rest of the malay boys outside school. Alot of things i can do already, Gainned my confidence and strength. Then tomorrow got maths remidial finish at 3.30pm then go outside play parkour again. WOOHOO!! Then just now very great get caught by police cause Aliff and one of his friends smoking. Luckily didn't sent to police station. This cannot repeat again. I was so scared at first when he shout but then after awhile ok already. The police officer talk to us then make joke tell about his background. Then he give us his phone number, he said if someone bully us or got problem can call him. How kind of him.
Yesterday do alot of things. Do this, do that. Fix the new cabinet for my mother. Then jacky got to wait till 11pm for me to play audition. Wth i lose to jacky evrytime we play. Got 20 perfec, 34 great, 16 cool and 0 for bad and miss but still i lose to him. Nvm this is just the beginning for me. The most difficult part of the game is pressing the spacebar. pressing the arrows is not that difficult. Some more i'm colour blind and cannot see blue. So got no choice look at the bright part of the blue bar. Then around 12.30 the com suddenly shut down then jacky wait for me to online back but cannot. Sorry jacky!!!
Yesterday Syafiq say that today got no school. At first i believe him but after awhlie i started to think that he was making a joke and it really true. Today i trained for 2.4km. Damn it man gt 12min 40 sec which is a C. Then tomorrow i'll run with syafiq and make sure get A which 10min 20 sec. Then got to do survey after school. Hopes that the weather is fine tomorrow
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
Grant It!
Keep On Doing It!
Please Don't Do It
- Lick arh Rizal never come for 2 days cos he very s...
- I'm gonna fail my S.S test. Not enough time. Stupi...
- Today got physics remedial then end at 3.00pm. Dis...
- Today finish school at 4.30pm so late. Got the lif...
- Today went to school for awards day. Go out around...
- After school went parkour again but then very bori...
- Wah lick ah, very tired today play parkour with Fa...
- Yesterday do alot of things. Do this, do that. Fix...
- Yesterday Syafiq say that today got no school. At ...