WTF!!..THE TRIP TO AUNT'S HOUSE IN MALAYSIA IS CANCELED!!!! Man, 23 more days to the end of the holiday and still i never go out of the house. Well cannot be blame, my dad says that my uncle's wife who is 4 months pregnant was shock to hear that she is having a miscarrige...the doctor told her that she was ok. No problem with her body it is just that she is too stress don't know for what reason. Well hope she is alright...Now what in the world am i going to do in this 23 days?!?! SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! I'M BORED!!!!!!!!
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Today went out with my friends. Went to mall sight seeing. Then Benedict went home cause his mom sick only left me alone with 3 bodyguard haha. Then we went to greenridge. At there Cheryl's friend talk with me all the way. Disturb her like hell but not like the way i disturb Cheryl and Rachael. Since she 1st time with us so must make her get use to the way i joke. Then on the way home saw my brother on the way to my house. Walk with him...then he ask me accompany him to go to town in my heart i say WHAT THE HELL?!?! As if he is scared i mean c'mon 18 years old wants a 15 years old boy to company him?? If it was me then different story. Return home at 8. wah so tiring
Today is the jogathon.I won 14 position which is hard to get.Yar my class only 4 people come. Me, Nazri,Ameer and Syafiq. Then i went to the NE ambassador thing. After that went to greenridge to have my breakfast. Then went home and do my maths project. So difficult.Still gt malay project. Just have to wait for Fai and Ameer to be free from NCC
Today get result and i passed but if that continue confirm i retain for next year...after school went to BPP. At first want to see electronic product but we go buy bubbletea. Upon reaching there Fai & Ameer order their drinking. Suddenly out of the blue, Rachael the fool, Mei Teng and Li Ching come from the back. That fool shout my name then suddenly heart attack. Nearly half dead. Then go Ameer house eat there my heart still pumping like hell. Then we went to the block opposite his house.Down there we play hop scotch. It was DAMN HOT!!!. My ez-link nearly melt sia. Fai so pro get 3 house then Ameer gt 1 house. They say if any of us get a house go home. So i open jason mraz-please don't tell her song then get a house so total i get 2. Ameer scold me like hell for getting a house... haha
Today went to Sakura Tech for D&T excursion but before that WTH i lose when playing bluff. Then i was dare. I must ask Azyani for stead WTF!!. They say must be very really so at 1st i go to her then they keep on laughing. So i took off my glasses then say to her. I say " Azyani when i 1st saw u at school i had fallen in love with u , so if can i want to stead with u" After that the whole malay boys laugh like hell. If i get the video from nazri i post it. Back to the Sakura Tech. The place was like so bloody high tech. I always disturb Mr Loy for no reason and he was so blur didn't know that i was refering to him. I called him names. Eat alot of food. I ate 7 plates of mee siam, 10 nuggets, 3 pizza,3 brownies and my favaourite 13 muffins. Then in the bus when returning home, they make alot of noise and everyone is sleeping, i just kept quiet and look out the window. Haiz
Just return home from my grandmother's house had a feast at her house. Play soccer at the court infront her house then got one aunty scol us for playing infront her house and wanted to report police if we never go. So stupid. We stop den return to the house. At 7pm most of my relatives went home already. Then my family left me alone and some of my relative alone so i go bukit panjang at 11pm then meet Michelle at Greenridge wah wait for her so long. About 30 minutes ya then very tiring sia waiting for her. Chat with her for awhile don't know what the hell i was mumbling about. I return home and straight away online. Then tuesday got soccer tournament with the express boys. Got to concentrate on that since the exams are over. I pass my MT paper 1, 37/70 ya very good.
Just 2 more days to go and it will be over!!!! Plus i will return back to my original self. No more studying and guess wad i can parkour again. Saturday will be going to the park jogging trainig for the coming jogathon or A.K.A cross-country. Well the faster the exams finissh the faster i can play again. Today no school so good can study for physics. The Art student finished exam tomorrow and we D&T student finish on thursday.Guess wad i pass my maths wohoo!!!. WTH i must organise for the trip to the old folks home and must think of things to do there jus to kill time. Man this must be a tough job. =.= Gtg i'll update nxt time
Haiz..the exams are killing me man!! Nevermind just 3 more exams to go then everything is back to normal again. Chemistry, Physics and D&T. ARRGHH!!! D&T haven't learn WTH!!! But Mr Goh got give the format so it will be easy plus drawing, design specification and blah blah blah.Hope the exams will finish fast just like it came fast. Maths paper 2 is so bloody difficult Damn!! But the paper 1 is so simple. Chem & Phy should be easy for me. Well jus wish me luck for these 3 exams. Wish you all pas your exams with flying colours!!
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
Grant It!
Keep On Doing It!
Please Don't Do It
- Today went out with my friends. Went to mall sight...
- Today is the jogathon.I won 14 position which is h...
- Today get result and i passed but if that continue...
- Today went to Sakura Tech for D&T excursion but be...
- Just return home from my grandmother's house had a...
- Just 2 more days to go and it will be over!!!! Plu...
- Haiz..the exams are killing me man!! Nevermind jus...