Today in Mr Aljunied class, he made jokes. At 1st he say he was not in a good mood but after awhile he was okay. Say we gonna sit for test next week cause he give an option when to have our test so we choose next week but then he say he change his mind and start giving out paper. Got the question paper and a tips on answering the question. I thought he was kind helping us but then he sang a song that candit camera theme song and we got to know that we were being fooled. Then that Guo Zhen sleep in class. So Mr Aljunied made a plan to leave him sleeping after school. He look at the malay boys which is us smiling and laughing away "WAHAHAHAHA" He used our plan and it was a success. He was left alone but after few mintues, we shout his name. Guo Jie was shocl to see there's no one in the class. Laughed like hell and went home now chiong doing malay project. Tomorrow is the due date...haha
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Today in class was disturbed by sabrina and was so irritating. After school went to Plaza library and thougght fo doing malay project but we didn't not do it. This is the 5th time we came there and never do anything ==. Stayed there and play a game that test our dareness. At first Ameer got it then Hakiim after that me and lastly Faizzul. But Hakiim got the worse. Kick his butt nearly 9X wahahaha... He went home and felt painful.But he say he's fine. Today was so tiring and tomorrow got english test. Got tips from my N1 classmates. So nice of them anyway we also like that help them. What are friends for eh? Haha
Ok i know this is the 3rd time i change my blogskin but i couldnt stick to one skin. All was so nice and think I'm going to stick with this skin, i hope. Pick this skin as it was plain and cool but i hate the title "The killers music idiot" which reminds me of someone. HAHA! School was boring today and I don't know why. I have 1 project to be done and then come another 2 more. WTH!! Think that tomorrow there is test English and Social Studies. Well i hope that there isn't any test tomorrow. I need to concentrate on my work this week and i may not be able to online for msn and could not post any entries. *sigh*. Well who ever reads this, take cares and good luck in your life =)
Went to ICA building alone, thought that my father will be coming along but he got to do his duty at the mosque so he'll be having his friday prayer there. I was so eager to make IC but after returning from the mosque, i feel tired then no mood already. Take the MRT , nearly fell asleep but luckily i have my MP4 player with me. Reached there, took my queue number and wait. Thought tha it will be long but it was short. Althought my number is B152 and currently it was B140. Then my turn. The person ask alot of things. Then come to my Arabic name and wth! It was so long. Helped the person with that thing and i can take my IC on the 21st of August. after that went to Sim Lim Square take the cab. Saw alot of laptop and handphone. I know lah Rachael, you've been longing to have those things. HAHA!!! BOught a new game, can't remember what the title. Spent 2hr walking. Go home after that still take the cab. OMG!!! use alot of $$. Got $10 left wahaha. Reached homw then land on my bed and sleep.
Today recess disturb Rachael call her favourite name. After recess we were called to the blue room. Everybody knew already what had happened. Its about Ms Tay. She was unhappy with the class but we were very quite.TO QUITE. Stayed there for 1 hour and 30 min. Our subject teachers were puzzled as they didn't know what happened. Write statement and got to write the names of the troublemaker and bla bla. Mr Sng told us that we cannot talk in class eventhough we are allowed to talk. NO group dicussion as we can talk. NO sleeping if want to sleep go blue room and he let us sleep in sick bay.The only person we can talk to is the teacher. Shao Xuan and Weng Kang was called up as their name was brought up by Ms Tay. Was so shocked to see them being called. Their parents are being called. So sian lah my class. Tomorrow surely will be called again. HAIS!!!
Today was raining heavily...rushed to school and luckily i didn't wet my sketchbook. !st period is chemistry and had a test. Studied for it for the last time. The paper was quite easy. After chemistry was mother tounge. When i and Ameer enter the class i was so shocked to hear that there will be a test. We sit in single file and was not prepared for it. OMG it was so difficult and not like the usual format as exams. Then after mother tounge went to the library to print my D&T pictures and was late for english class. Mdm Fauzana told the class to sit in single row. Heard her say it when i was on the way. I thought it was another test but false alarm. Our class was noisy thats why she said that. In her class she scold Hasbi for talking but say my name. I was blur cause i didn't talk and was quiet. She thought that i was Hasbi and Hasbi was me. HAHA!! For D&T teacher keep on lecturing. Class didn't not do what she told to do and at the end of the D&T lesson was another test. OMG!! Luckily it was easy. Went to greenridge while Ameer sent his gf home. Then turned back to scholl and had lunch at canteen. Went to plaza and slack. The intention was to do malay project but then we keep on slacking. After that went to Ameer's house and stayed there for awhile. Played blindmice again and was so fun. Faizzul and i want to sabotage Ameer but in the end we played square and fair and i got to be the blindmice. HAHAHA. Went home about 6pm and was so tired. Did my geograpgy homework and now i don't know what to do. I'M BORED!!!!
The continueation of part 1 haha... hais so tired sia today, went to town again, this time my aunty bought me a laptop again. I ask her " what about the old laptop?" she say "That 1 can keep or give someone else." In my heart i say isnt that wasting money??. Spent 2hrs just looking for a laptop. my brother was so impatient to try out his new skateborad. I told himw to wait but he keep on saying 'faster'. I just pick a laptop and straight away skate with my brother... so lame lar he, go there make stunt and all failed. But when i try all is a success. Haha. Got money from my aunty and unlce since they don't know what want. When they ask me i only say " You wish me to be a better man, clever, obedient, prosper in life and long lived can" They laughed when i said that. They say people usually ask for things but i was different. I said nevermind. Its better to be different from everybody. Wenr home bout 9pm and tomorrow got to go blue room for failing maths test. Well i hope i never failed. Wish me luck!
Went to my grandmother's house alone...about 3 o'clock my relatives all come don't know for what reason. All go there normally nothing special. Anyway i didn't expect much from them adn hoping that they don't remember my birthday. Suddenly, after i return to my grandmother house from shop, it happened...i saw cakes, present and the normal things that we would see on birthday party. All my cousins sitting around the cake and waiting for me to cut the cake. WTH! I open it and guess what all of them are ready to taste that cake, i smiled and was about to laugh. i cut it and distribute them...after my 1st round i decided to pray before the time end. After praying, i found out that the cake was all gone and i missed the chance of having a 2nd round. My cousin invite me out to town and bought me a new skateboard. After i fix the board, we went to skatepark to play and test my new skatebord. Went back to my grandmothers house and rest for a i am updating my blog and still have another part to tell after i come home after this. Now i'm going out agian and enjoy my birthday. Tell you the next part after i enjoyed todays perty. HAHAHA see you!
Had games in school some sort of a carnival...enjoyed it alot. At first we go to our favourite section which is the card games. Playede SNAP and was so fun. When we get the card, we shout like hell until whole school can hear..after that Mr Alan and other teacher wants to play with us. So Nazri and me played with them, both of us won the game. The teachers was slow. After the carnival ended, i was shocked to hear that i was called to get a prize. Didn't know that the game with the teacher was a competition. After Ms TAn mark the attendance she told me to get ready too go blue room as she say i fail her maths test. OMG!! How did i fail the test?!?! But still i never believe it i must look with my very own eyes. If fail then i just accept it. but really i studied for it and i shouldn't have fail it. But during the time that we did it, i was not confident. HAIS, SO SIAN LEH!!! Why when my birthday day is around the corner i become so unlucky?!?!?! WHY?!
Today Ms Ang make announcement that the 3E and 3N1 got to clear all their thing and bring them home as their class is use for the 'O' level exams. I was so glad that our class was not said...then Rachael massage me saying she wants to borrow my table to put her things, i let her and OMG!!! it was alot. Such a lazy bump to bring heavy things...well persinally i don't mind bringing alot of book in my back. Them after school alot of them come my class and put their things. After that went home and come out again to play parkour but in the end never play. So went to Ameer house and stay below his block. Went to the nearest playground and played blindmice. It was so fun and i had many bruises and my knee is swollen. Yea great...Tomorrow got Chemistry test, gonna to study hard. Oh ya, had maths test today and suddenly i don't feel confidence so i just do it and tried to remmember the steps and formula. Hais so sian..
Went to ABC market and eat at there. My aunty ordered seafood. When the food arrived i was so shock to crabs and prawn which i have problem eating them. My mouth was tempting to eat them but cannot caouse after eating them , my mouth would itch so i ordered nasi ayam and green applle ice blended. After eating, i was so hungry but i didn't tell my mom. Went over to my grandma house and stayed there. Then my uncle ordered pizza and i eat what i can and still i am hungry. WTH!!. Watch TV and then my uncle host a game and we played...he gave all sec 3 maths question to my cousin (primary 5)ann my two sis(primary 3 & sec 2). I smiled at him and all of them looked at me as if my face can give answers...haha. My sis won the game cause i gave them answers. My cousin and my pri 3 sis was so blur when i told them the answer. Take the cab and reached home bout 11+...was so tired and here i am updating.
Was on our way to plaza and suddenly at the traffic light Faizzul rememberred that he need to sent his girlfriend home and we were like WTH!. Turn back all the way and me and Ameer went to greeenridge while Fai fetch his girlfriend. Then we were on our way and BLAH BLAH BLAH....LOL. Went into the library and find about the malay legend. After few minutes of finding, Hakiim came and me and Ameer start playin with his handphone. We didn't know how to make it into timeer mode so Hakiim change the mode and we were rushing and pose anyhow.
LOL! anyhow pose Hahaha
After thet we walk around and Hakiim treat us ice cream...walk around and i saw this new game Call of Duty and straight away went home...
Today stayed back after school cause teacher want to see us. Then Syafiq ,Has and me went to greenridge shopping cnter to buy Has sketch book but was too expensive then wnet to senja grand shop which is $3 cheaper and bought 2 cos cher neeed 50 but he have 40. We then join the 2 sketch book and was very painful adn hurts alot. So we decided to went home and i did it alone. After i done doing that, i did my maths homework and halfway through i fell asleep. Around 7.40 i woke up and OMG!! alll the things that was on my bed is at their same position before i sleep and bloody hell my pen is still in my hand.LOL. And now i got to update cause that foolish old granny , Rachael want to see wth i've been doing. Well actually it is fun to read what other people did for the day and this is what i've been doing.LOL
Had dental check up today at school clinic and my teeth is nw white. After school went to Plaza with Faizzul,Ameer and Johairi. Stayed there and talk and talk. Went to the library .. Sit there and Jo keep on farting. Reached home bout 4.30 and do my D&T homework.SO SIAN!!
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
Grant It!
Keep On Doing It!
Please Don't Do It
- Today in Mr Aljunied class, he made jokes. At 1st ...
- Today in class was disturbed by sabrina and was so...
- Ok i know this is the 3rd time i change my blogski...
- Went to ICA building alone, thought that my father...
- Today recess disturb Rachael call her favourite na...
- Today was raining heavily...rushed to school and l...
- The continueation of part 1 haha... hais so tired ...
- Went to my grandmother's house alone...about 3 o'c...
- Had games in school some sort of a carnival...enjo...
- Today Ms Ang make announcement that the 3E and 3N1...
- Went to ABC market and eat at there. My aunty orde...
- Was on our way to plaza and suddenly at the traffi...
- Today stayed back after school cause teacher want ...
- Had dental check up today at school clinic and my ...