Just 1 more day to go and its showtime!!...Have been studying Social Studies and there's a lot to learn especially on chapter 2 on Governance in Singapore but luckily Syafiq says on Chapter 3 which is about the health care in Singapore and Britain, he told me to just read briefly and don't emphasis on that too much. Geography teacher gave specific page and now waiting for Rachael yup its the fool hahaha. Well exams are near, wonder how many of my friends are studying right now. Hmm...Well its their loss if they didn't study. So ready guys for me to come back?? Haha..well that's all for today folks.
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Its been a hard days night an i've been working like a dog...those were the two sentence that was sung by the beatles. Well its a tiring week for me espcially with chicken pox. Been studying and studying, well people are just worried about me but hey i will study and study. I won't stop studying because of this chicken pox. To you guys who have been countlessly messaging me asking me to come to school or asking me how am i doing, giving my homeworks, teaching me through msn. Well i can only say this four word and that is THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Love you guys. To everyone who is damn sick of waiting for me to come to school waiting for my hilarious,lame and idiotic/foolish jokes hahaha dont worry just hope and pray i will come back and when the day i come back. It will be a great and memeroiable day of your life with me hahahaha. Dont cry when i come back just SMILE =) haha.Well if you want to know more about my situation, the music i put explains about how am i doing. TAKE CARES! GOODBYE! LOVES! SEE YOU SOON!
Finally!! I can study peacefully without the itch on my body. If not 24 hours a day i will be scratching my body non-stop. Watched Wall.E also like that same goes for Hancock and Meet Dave...while watching i keep on scratching my body.Play Maplestiry keep on dying because of this stupid chicken pox...hais. Today i studied on Geography, Physic, Chemistry, D&T and Maths. Revised every single one of them and was so happy hehehe...think will only online at night and study in the afternoon. Must have good time management!!. TO THOSE WHO ARE STILL PLAYING OR SLACKING: Well its time to wake up your lazy minds and start working!!! End Of the Year exams are near and still u wanna slack and play. WAKE UP MAN!! hope this 3 words goes to your freaking brain. =)
The 4th day at home. Think it wont be boring day cause i have just downloaded mapleglobal v.55 and to those who are worried about me..dont worry, i've taken my medicine and applied calamine lotion on my body. Hahaha..okok i know what you are thinking *Maple?? noob lah* but please even at this stage i have no other choice but to play this game. well at least i never play habbo hahah that is the lamest game and chat room i ever see hahah but still i am a member hahaha..study? hah...i cant study with this irritating itch all over my body. If can long time i study. Watch Meet Dave...that show was ok and funny especially when they land on earth hahaha...there was this lady who smiled at him then he was like so blur and copy what the lady do and was so funny with his teeth and mouth wide open hahahaha. Try watching it at www.stagevu.com the video is clear but mus download divx some kind like adobe flashplayer but when u watch it, you'll be surprise with the screen. SO clear hahahaha....ok got alot of thng to do wish everyone is healthy and good luck for any upcoming test..i pray u guys pass with flying colours =)
The 3rd and boring day at home...wake up early, had my breakfast and ate my medicine. Well there is this particular medicine called "Chlorpheniramine" well its the scientific name. Just realised it can make you feel drowsy. Have been tolerating the drowsiness from morning till now. At 7.20am watch Ameer with his dearest girlfriend walked to school. Walked damn slow haha..went in the toilet and come out they still around my house area and no difference in their walking distance hais couples what can be said, i cannot study with the itch around my body just 7 days NO! correction just 6 days left hahaha wonder what is happening at school when i'm not around hmm...
2nd day at home..as usuall wake up late and on the computer from 2.30 till now. Hais did nothing much only Watch wall. E haha was so funny and stupid humans leave mother Earth with thrash everywhere...After which watch hancock such a stupid superhero. Lazy bump and a foolish one. People in class now knows my condition hahaha...Mdm Fauzana say out loud my sickness hahaha..well i cannot hide them forever. Well just 8 days left and got to study hard fro the End of the Year examinations..hais schools full of test and exams. Ok go to go now got alot of movies to watch and friends to chat with haha
Hais damn sick today..if i tell also..people will be shock. Stayed home and did nothing. Want to online but got no one online. Around 3+ onlime found out that Sabrina and Adha never go school. Chat with them and my com damn siao got virus i guess..WAH!!! Need to reinstall anti-virus. Keep on giving problem. My bvody itchy an dthis com give me problem. Damn unlucky..what to do haiya..2 weeks and 2 days to exam and important to pass. I Don't want to retain or go ITE. Must study!! People are going to miss me wahahahaha
Hais...nothing much to post, just today went to Bishan with few other boys. That hasbi seriously ask for trouble keep on farting. Then at junction 8 play guitar hero with Nazri and keep on losiing to him since it was my 1st time hahaha. Well that is what i do and did today...WHY SO HARD TO ONLINE THIS MONTH....SIAN LEH!!!
Went to school for my D&T. Finish up my workpiece. Me and hasbi was the only one who came for it. During our break we played computer games, Ms Yen allowed us to play since we are fasting wahahah. Hasbi keep on farting and farting while playing. Even when Ms Yen was there, he still keep on farting and she didn't even knew HAsbi farted alot of times hahahah such a disgusting fellow. Stayed until 3pm and then went off from school. Loiter around Senja viewing the scenry of the jungle...lol. Went home at 4.30. Sian arh. Tomorrow must come again cause i haven't finish sparying hais...YEA tomorrow go bishan don't what to do wahahaha. Think this month i'll be having a hard time to online cause i have my special night prayer which can last about 1hr hahaha. See how if i can online. To who ever who are waiting for me to online, ready to spam me or whatever it is,I am sorry if i never online...SORRY!!! =(
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
MSN:psychosis_public_nuisance @hotmail.com
Grant It!
Keep On Doing It!
Please Don't Do It
- Just 1 more day to go and its showtime!!...Have be...
- Its been a hard days night an i've been working li...
- Finally!! I can study peacefully without the itch ...
- The 4th day at home. Think it wont be boring day c...
- The 3rd and boring day at home...wake up early, ha...
- 2nd day at home..as usuall wake up late and on the...
- Hais damn sick today..if i tell also..people will ...
- Hais...nothing much to post, just today went to Bi...
- Went to school for my D&T. Finish up my workpiece....