Went to the doctor and the doctor said my leg is fine, its just a side effect of my previous leg injury. Now I don't need to worry about it anymore. Just that my leg need rest after a very harsh activity. Okay, change my blog skin again. Nothing to do. So sian. Forget to tell, after my check up. My dad massage my leg, put some ginger on it and wrap up with cloth and bandage. WHAT THE HELL!!! at night i have a hard time sleeping. My leg keep on...don't know how to explain it but IT WAS DAMN PAINFUL!!! hahaha. Went out of my room and bloody hell there was not a pain when i walk. Looked at the clock and it was 4am. Lucky my dad was not asleep yet. Knocked on his door and told him what happened. He said remove the bandage and the ginger. I did wah so obedient HAHAHA!!. After awhile the pain gone and i can sleep well.
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Another sickening day at home and didn't know what to do. Damn this leg. Why must this kind of things happen to me? Is this a joke or a challenge in life that i have to face or is it a punishment for me? Only God knows. But please i need a way to free myself from this things. If I don't do it, who will?? Sometimes I wonder, why are we created? And for what purpose?? That's for us to find out. Only thing i knew is that i have to face everything on my own. *sigh* Wake up this morning and still nothing to do. Next week will a busy day for me. Cant attend Marissa's party. So sian and very pathetic. Miss my friends. Love them, loved my family HAHAHAHA!! Wished i can change the time but nah it will be a disaster hahaha. Especially an idiot like me controling time, right Rachael?? hahaha don't worry bout that she will agree hahaha. Well that's it for tonight post again some other time. Loves Hannan =) A thousand smiles by me. Cheer up
Sorry Marissa, I can't attend your party =(
Well wake up in the morning with nothing to do. There is drum practice at 10am. So sian. Well nothing much to post. Just that this holiday is killing me man. Holiday like not holiday. Go school, got homework, CCA, performance, practices. Sian leh. Well that's it for today won't complain much like and old man. Take care, loves HANNAN HEHEHEH!!!
Finally at home resting for the 1st time hehehe. Had open house today. Perform a lot of time. Well lets skip that. I just hate to talk about school today. Have been online from don't what time to what time. I just appear offline cos no mood to chat. Since the camp i receive a lot of message from Yan Ling haha...keep on messaging and messaging hahaha can't stand it. Laugh and laugh, think can go crazy. Everyone i talk to is always laughing never serious haha. Talk about a lot of things from relationship all the way till what i wanna be when i grow up hahaha. Life is so boring. Well i'm not asking to die early just that i need a miracle to happen to me. Something fun which i will never forget in my entire life. Never before this bored feeling will go away in my life. Now i'm online on my com and don't know what to do think i lie on my bed.BYE!
Today last tday of the camp heheh long time nvr post...okok lah i know, damn busy. Still at the camp using the camp laptop..ok you might be wondering how come camp got laptop?? Well not olnly laptop, our room is not a tent but a hostel..so you guys can imagine how the camp is like, all is air conditioned. Miss my pals and family although it's just 4 days and 3 nights but i make new friends here and i was so quiet and didn't know what to do. Tomorrow is the school open house, haven't practice for my beat...WTF! well last minute practice don't worry. I will perform well. Just watch and see...hais don't know what to say. I'm speechless these days..don't know why usually i'm the nosiest guy and now i'm the most quietest guy...everybody's changing even me. Well i'll update some other time.
Yesterday had another drum camp this time went to East Coast Park. Practice our item for the group competition. Then we pause for a while and had our lunch. Around 4pm we had the performance and our team won hehehe well my team name is SHAFEKS Batucada haha well i came out with the name using our 1st letter of our name and follow our band leader name which is Syafiq. Haha. Had games after that, the game was that we had to fill 2 bottles with seawater. Since i had no clothes on except for my shorts,i used my mouth.Hehehe. Our teacher said we can't swim in the water but after the game we anyhow jumped into the sea and swam hahaha. Our teacher start taking our pictures.Jump into the sea like hell haha but we swam for only about 30 minutes. Then went to clean ourselves and get ready for the ultimate event, BBQ!!! hahaha we cook the food and shout like hell while cooking. Took Mdm Isnani camera and start taking photos of all the boys and teachers. Around 9.00 night reach school. That school still gives me the creeps. Party inside the music room but this time it was abit quiet not like the other day. Reached home around 10.30. Should be study with Adha but was too tired rto study so i tell him some other time. Well that's for today folk, I'll update some other time BYE AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Woke up at 8am and bath. Eat my breakfast and get ready for school. Had drum camp today. It was fun. Got to throw water bomb at each other hehehe. Played dog and bone, played with flour and was split into 2 groups. Planned our beat and tomorrow is the real performance between the 2 groups. We will be having BBQ at east coast park. After the camp, went to Adha's house to get a 3/4 pants. Sabrina and Ameer was at his house. Played with Merzan all the way and then went home. So tired until don't know what to do. Hais. Well if you think that my my post today is a bit weird, I'm so sorry cause too tired and don't know how to post. Well that's all for today folks
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
MSN:psychosis_public_nuisance @hotmail.com
Grant It!
Keep On Doing It!
Please Don't Do It
- Went to the doctor and the doctor said my leg is f...
- Another sickening day at home and didn't know what...
- Well wake up in the morning with nothing to do. Th...
- Finally at home resting for the 1st time hehehe. H...
- Today last tday of the camp heheh long time nvr po...
- Yesterday had another drum camp this time went to ...
- Woke up at 8am and bath. Eat my breakfast and get ...