Have been watching Macgyver and Mind your language from morning till now. Foo you guys should watch Macgyver, he uses science to get out of trouble and saves the day. WOOHOO! well its an old show probably some would know about the shows. Listened to Chinese songs on the radio haha. Frankly, I don't understand what they sang. Just 9 more days to school. Its gonna be fun but N level wah! can die man. Whole days gonna spent on revisions but the fun will be there. Okay that's it for today. Post some other time. BYE!!
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Well went today, i mean yesterday hehehe. Didn't do a lot of things just that i bought another freaking game "Call of duty: world at war". Reached home bout 11pm close to 12 midnight. Tired and bored not to mention lonely hahaha. Think that's for today can't post much just to tired. HAHA post some other time freaks!! hahaha
All alone at home. My family went to Sentosa with my aunt from Kuala Lumpur. I'm left alone from 2pm till 10pm. whether they go Sentosa or make Sentosa also I don't know. So bored at home. Slack and slack. Chat with Adha biol,Sabrina bibir and Marissa gemok. Chatted with them till 11+. Ameer didn't tell us he got new girlfriend. So idiotic. Left me who is single for 15 years. WOOHOO!! hahaha what's to be proud of being single or having any relationship. Now I'm like a dead man on a computer chair. I can't control my anger. Why? Okay bye!
Went to Plaza to change my new shoes. Waste of time, bought new PC game for me to spend the ending days of the holidays. Yesterday night my little brother sleep with my parents in their room. So spacious hahaha but that night i felt something was not right. I suddenly got breathless and couldn't sleep that night. I say my Gods name a lot of time think more than thrice. Opened my eyes and saw nothing but i feel as if someone was on me. Then i got out of my bed and wanted to go to the kitchen but my knees felt as if they were loose. As if someone masturbate more then 10 times. After awhile i finally got control over my legs. Went to the toilet and erhem did my business hahaha and slept. Around 11am went to school and took my reserved books. Left only CME to claim. Well that's it then I'm out of things to say. Don't know why i'm speechless. Okay bye!
Had drums workshop today. Woke up around 8am+ haha. Nothing to do so i online. This few days is quite fun and exciting. Well back to the drum workshop thingy, learn a lot of techniques and skills. After that went to kopitiam and eat there, the rest of us were playing wrestling via psp. They played together and was so noisy. I couldn't stop laughing. Everyone looked at us. HAHAHA!!! so irritating when they played. Around 3pm, all went home. Rained when i return back home. Sleep and sleep after that. Haha. Then somewhere around 6pm i woke up. So crazy, wake up then i laugh. Crazy me haha. Well that's it for today. Post again some other time. Next time when i post you guys should read it. VERY IMPORTANT!! hahaha. Take care!
Update my blog using my handphone hahaha very anxious about it haha...yesterday slept late around 3am was sleeping peacefully when suddenly my handphone rang at 6.23am. It was the fool hahaha. Wish me good morning and told me after she come back can chat with her. LOL, thought she go Taiwan next week haha anyway I was dreaming of falling from a waterfall when she message me. ARGGHH!! spoils my sleep hahaha but nevermind. She needed to tell something to me. Then around 11.30am, Adha message me adn ask whether i can come to his house at 12noon. Another spoiler, i was dreaming of sky diving and suddenly my bloody phone rang. ARRGGGHHH!!! HAHAHA. Today did nothing much, just watch tv and play games haha. Jump from blog to blog. Look at Rachael's blog and saw on her tagboard. Everyone misses her but not me, never! hahahaha wah if she see this when she return either she will be angry or heartbroken. Well just hope that she won't read it haha. Tomorrow going for my Friday prayer and then go to Adha's house to slack. HAHA Well that's it for today. Update again some other day.
Stayed at home today. Played Xbox games, Ratatouille. Kind of fun and a bit dizzy. Played from morning till night and completed all the levels hehe. House bill confirm go up and my mom will scold me hahaha. Sunday gonna go out with family and relative walk to don't know where. FINALLY THERE WILL BE FUN HAHAHA. CHALET! YEA. Tomorrow slack haha. Day after tomorrow, slack. Next week, slack. Next month, slack. Next year,slack. Next decade, slack. Next century, slack. Next lightyears, slack. Everyday is a slacking day for me. DOn't know what is wrong with me these days. Kept singing to myself. Any song that comes to my head i will sing and try out my imagined drum. Nearly about 10 songs stucked in my head and i can recall all the lyrics. My family looked at me and say "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" "No I'm not" I replied with a slumber face ==. Where's the fun? Next year....next year is next year problem don't want to think about it. So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so bored. Next big thing i'll do is read after bored of reading, i'll do my holiday homework. That's the end of my 'wonderful' life today. HEHEHEHE. Don't worry this is just temporary. Next years holiday there will be NO BOREDNESS hahaha. I can assure that.
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
MSN:psychosis_public_nuisance @hotmail.com
Grant It!
Keep On Doing It!
Please Don't Do It
- Have been watching Macgyver and Mind your language...
- Well went today, i mean yesterday hehehe. Didn't d...
- All alone at home. My family went to Sentosa with ...
- Went to Plaza to change my new shoes. Waste of tim...
- Had drums workshop today. Woke up around 8am+ haha...
- Update my blog using my handphone hahaha very anxi...
- Stayed at home today. Played Xbox games, Ratatouil...