9th day of Ramadan. Well it was nothing. I can handle the hunger but not the thirst. I had been going to night classes everyday. Right after practice for teacher's day, I went home to change and then went back to school. Break my fast there and studied at school too. It is a tiring week for me. Look at how busy I am. I have no time to play games, slack or even chat on Msn. 31th August is teacher's day celebration. MUST WATCH! I don't know what to expect from it. Just that I'm too tired to do things. My brain is like going to pop any sooner. I need a break. Hmm...well I don't know what to post. Eh I just remembered about an incident on friday after the friday prayers. Well I was on the way to meet Adha when suddenly this little boy had a rental house advertisement on his bag. Ammer, Faizzul and me laughed about it. I go the boy and ask him how much does the rent of his house cost. He was blur. Then I ask again about the rental but this time with a reason, I have no house to live. He then walked away from me very quickly. HAHAHA! I didn't meant to bully him, but I couldn't take it when his face became blur. You should see the expression on his face. It was very funny. Well I can't carry on much longer but just to remind everyone to come on monday. That's all folks. See ya!
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Wah today is the fasting month and there is a lot of things happening. A lot of clashes. Teachers day performance and practice. Maths remedial and evening classes. Not to forget, fasting. I don't mind the fasting but the clashes. ARGH!! Never mind that, I failed my maths by 2 marks! Out of all subject why maths?! It is the important subject for me to pass. 2 more marks! Please at least give me a method mark. I passed my english, ss, N'Level malay and D&T. Man! Now I'm having a hard time to play computer games. Busy with O'Level stuff. Actually, I'm lazy to switch on the computer and play. Studying all the way and sometimes I'm addicted to it. What to do? At least I'm doing something better and worth to be done. Well think that's all folks. I want to play computer games HAHAHA. Since I'm free and if you guys waited for me to online but I didn't, I'm so sorry. BYE!!
Okay, I know i have not been blogging this few weeks. I've been studying and preparing for my O'Level and I had just finish my prelims. How should I say, maybe my marks will be okay and it's either going up or down. Who knows besides, I am not as lazy as I was before. Today, school was as per normal. Had P.E today but I didn't bring my attire, forgot. Anyway for P.E we had this vendor who came and teach us this sport, crazy cups where we...ARGH! How should I explain this? Hmm...all I can say is that it was boring. Didn't enjoy it at all. Spent the time in school doing nothing but daydreaming. It got worse since I started learning O'Level stuff. O'Level may seem the same to me but I have a bad feeling that it will be worse. All the nights I've been spending it very wisely. It's about time for me to change my system or the way I'm living. This is my O'Level and nothing, nothing will stand in my way. Well I think that's all folks. I'll update again soon, eventually hehehe. I MISS AND LOVE YOU COMPUTER!!! HAHAHA!
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
MSN:psychosis_public_nuisance @hotmail.com