Did nothing much today. Woke up and was surprise to my mom at home. She was supposed to go to work but didn't. i don't know why. She said she wanted to clean the house. I was like ughh!! hahaha. When she says "clean the house" is really like hari raya is tomorrow. She would take out all those pans, plates and cups out form the drawer and clean them up. Then she would clean the windows. Yup the whole house. She asked for my help but i told her that I will be sending Mei Ting's present. However, instead of her cleaning the house, it turns out to be that I was the one cleaning the house. Did what she would usually do in 2 hours!! Around 2.45 i got changed and was on my way to meet Adha under Faizzul's block. While waiting, Mei Ting sms me saying that she had just woke up. 3pm?! What the hell!! While waited for Adha, I looked at the present and found out that the bloody card is missing. I walked around 538 and couldn't find it. Then Adha came. We walked around the estates, wasted our time singing to skid row's song. Around 4.15 went to Mei Ting's block to pass her gift. DAMN!! Everytime when someone came unexpectedly, I will go speechless!! Didn't say much to Mei Ting because she came out of no where. Then Adha decided to go Greenridge but I wanted to go home. So I went home and while I was on my way home, I saw Mei Ting's card. YES THAT BLOODY CARD!! IT WAS ON THE DAMN ROAD RUN OVER BY CARS!! Why must it happened to me?? Lucky that she didn't know about it. If she found out, I'll be dead. Went home feeling tired and didn't know what the hell to do. Well that's all folks. Update again soon. BYE!
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Well well well, look at how am I doing. Well I'm fine, just slacking around this few days. It seems that i couldn't do anything much. Well at least I'm having fun rather feeling bored for the past 3 years. The holidays during that time was very boring. I had to spent 4 days playing games just to get rid of the bored. I even chatted with my friends till 3a.m and it just couldn't get rid of the bored. I've been jogging every morning. It seems that I'm getting out of shape. Firstly, I'm getting skinny then I started to get fat. Now, I'm back to shape. Well in the afternoon, I spent the time resting or rather slacking at home and at night I would be spending the time at home with my family or wasting my time on the computer. Slept rather late on friday which was about 2.30a.m. Couldn't sleep. I didn't know why. Well if any of you is feeling bored, call me or message me. I'll surely entertain regardless of the time. Well that's all folks (It has been awhile since I never use that phrase HAHAHA!). Update again. In the meanwhile, enjoy your nights. BYE!
HEAVEN!! Finished all my exams! hahaha! Well what can I say I'm quite happy bout it but worried for my results. Hmm...how did I do for my 'O' Level Mother Tongue? Well at first, quite nervous. My head started to jam a lot of time and I just couldn't concentrate. Anyway it's over though. Now all I have to do is enjoy for the moment and relax my mind. Anyone wants to disturb me?? Do so because I have nothing to do.
WHAT A MESS!!! Cleaned yup my room and what the hell. there were a lot of dust under my bed. Papers, books, notes, and bags all under my bed and not to forget my little brother's stuff. KIDS!! All I have to do. What an irritant. Well I can't live without this computer. So I decided to online and have some fun. PLayed counter-strike. Becoming a freak right now. Hmm...it's like months I have not seen my classmates. All of them knew I'm very busy. Well I am that busy. Nobody messaged me. Except for Mdm Isnani. I thought that I could spend the rest of the days with my friends but I have plans. CCA, open house and Drumzout. When will I enjoy? Currently I've been studying with Faizzul and Juhairi. Went to a lot of chemistry and physics classes. Not to mention the Mother Intensive. ARGH!! That's a killer but hey I've seen some improvements. well for Language subject, you don't really study. You only have to read some great essays and copy the way they tell their story. Well that's what I do. Even though there is no originality, still I have no choice but to follow it. Well forget bout studies. I plan to go out and watch some movies. Anyone want to join me?? HAHAHA!! Enjoy the day at the beach. Yes the beach. While writing I could smell the sea. The salty taste of it could be felt in my throat. The strong wind blowing straight at my face, whispering with it's seductive voice. HAHAHAHA!!! Okay, I'll stop. So how's life? A lot of problems I've been through, yet one problem remains. It's so hard to solve this but I could do it on my own. Nah, I won't say it. Let me handle it. Besides, I'm a strong guy. Not a gay. Well that's all folks. Update again soon! BYE!!
BUSY!! BUSY!! BUSY!! BUSY!! HAHAHA... yup I'm actually busy preparing for O' level Mother Tounge which falls on the 10 of November. So I won't be able to post or online till that date. Hope you guys understand. Well many things had happened to me but I have no time to explain. Maybe some other time. Well that's all folks. Update again soon! Bye!
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
MSN:psychosis_public_nuisance @hotmail.com