Came back from drum practice. Finally enjoyment! Only a few of us came down. Syafiq, Nazri, Firdaus, Ali, Siraj, Faiz, Hafiz and me> Ayis came down last minute. Practiced for CCA Publicity and NTU on the upcoming performance in January. Woke up at 9.30am, was damn late. Supposed to report at 9.45am. Bath and get ready to hit the road by then it was 10.05am hahahaha! I thought that I was the only person late but it turned out to be that I was the first one hehehe. Draw out the drum room’s key and jamming for a while. At around 10.30, all of them started to come down, One by one. How irritating ==. Practiced all the way till 1.30pm. Then, Mr Yaziz invited Syafiq, Nazri and me to the kopitiam and slack there. Drank and ate there. Students from Greenridge Pri Sch disturbed 2 monkeys, a mother and child who was staying there. The monkeys started playing with them but they were afraid of it. The four of us laughed seeing the monkey playing with them. Then two policeman came down to get rid of the monkeys but it took them a long time to do it. Especially the child. There was this old man started to shoot rubber bands at the monkey. I was damn pissed off for such animal abuse but I couldn’t do anything. The monkey ran around the kopitiam and climb onto Syafiq’s seat. He was scared and of course me too. It my first time a monkey sat on my lap and wanted to fall asleep. Cats and dogs love to sleep on my lap and now a monkey hahahaha! After eating, Syafiq, Nazri and I sat at the nearby blocks to chit chat and soon after that, we went home. Well think that’s all folks, I have to go now. Didn’t slept yesterday and I have to go out tonight and also I have drum practices. Update again soon, BYE!
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Yesterday i went out VivoCity to watch a movie. At first it was with, Faizzul, Juhairi , Rachael, Dina and me but Rachael couldn't make it and Juhairi was busy working. Dina didn't tag along cause she had to be home by 6 as she's going out with her family to Malaysia. Then we decided to ask Adha, Sabrina and Marissa. So we were supposedly to meet up at 1.30 but Faizzul and I went to the mosque to pray and followed Marissa to sent something to Farah. In the end we met at 2pm. We took the train to VivoCity and reached there at 2.45pm. Bought our ticket for this movie "Couples Retreat" and waited for the movie to begin. Well the movie very funny and very educational for guys who has a girlfriend. Lucky me! HAHAHA! Went to meet up with Ameer. Faizzul and I went to do our prayer at the nearest mosque while the rest went to the coffee shop and waited there. All of us ate a lot of different food. I was still hungry though. After our dinner, we went to Mount Faber but walked the wrong route so we decided to went home instead of going into Mount FAber as the girls were afraid of the dark ==. Reached Bukit Panjang at 9.45 but Faizzul, Adha and me went home at 10.45. It was fun though the original people who were invited couldn't make it. Well that's all folks. Update again soon. BYE! And to those taking their results tomorrow, GOOD LUCK!!
Had a very very unforgettable drums camp. It was touching, happy and educational camp for me. Although we fooled around so many times but there're at times where it was very educational.
On the first day of the camp, we assembled in the bus bay to help Mdm Isnani and Mdm Mis. We then gathered at the music room for our grouping. Syafiq, Siraj, Firman, Fareez, Faris, Ashraf and me were grouped together while, Nazri, Hasbi, Sadiq, Firdaus, Hafiz, Anshori and Sharil were in one group. Our group called ourself Sound Desire because we love to play music. Any sound we made will always turn into music even a beat can make a difference. While Nazri's group is called Lisqizi which they took from the last alphabet of their name. We did our training with our instructor, Mr Yaziz. First, we're told to take any 2 instruments each and assemble back in the music room. We then pick our instrument that we wanted to learn. We sat in a circle. He said that, if you take a hand drum, your left would be an accessories and your right would be a stick drum. We did what we were told. At first we thought we're supposed to learnt the instrument that we want but it turned out differently. At the end of the practice, he told us this. "I told you guys to take any 2 instruments and look at what you guys picked. You picked the instrument of your choice but what happened? You guys played the instrument of your choice and your friends. Just like in life, you plan to this and that but it did not turn as it is. For example, you want to eat a 30 meter pizza but you only get 30 centimeter and are you thankful and grateful to have it? In life, you should appreciate what you have and be grateful for what you have and carry on with the flow. What ever happens, life must carry on" That is the part where i was touched by his words. Around !2 noon, we headed to West Coast for our games and activities. We played this game whereby you have to put the raffia string to your armpit clothes, pass down you shirt and out from your pants and then to the next person. We then played the human chain and then finish 14 bread in under 3 minutes. HAHAHA!! I finish all of it and boy, my mouth hurts but I'm still hungry ==. We couldn't play much cause it was raining very heavily and got to see few lightning strikes. HAHAHA!
Then on friday, we had our practice again with our instructor and at 12.30, we went to the mosque for our friday prayer. Around 3.30, we headed out to East Coast park. We dropped at the wrong carpark and had to walk for 1 kilometer with our instruments and food. Upon reaching, we set up tent and filled bags with sea water for our next activities. Played waterbomb dog and bone and water filling using only our mouth. Had our practice there and enjoy most of the time eating =). Around 9 headed back to school. Reached school at about 10. Perform what we practice and then the prize presentation. Was suppose to reached home at 9 but turns out to be 11. That's why I couldn't update yesterday. Anyway I had fun and enjoy the camp.
Group photo.
Relaxing and bathing at the beach
Monkeys posing in front of the camera HAHAHA!!
Us during the games.
For more pictures you can click here ---->> Photos
Well that's all for today folks. Hope you guys enjoy the photos as I do. Update again soon. Bye!
I'm tired today, just came back from camp. Update again tomorrow or some other day. It was fun and educational. That's all I can say. Sorry folks. Bye!
Hmm...I have nothing much to post. Okay let share what had happened during the open house. On the first day, I woke up late cause did my practice and went home late around 10.30 at night practicing the Djembe. Then woke up around 11am. Supposedly to report at 11.30. Yes to you guys, it might be still early but it took me 20 min to bath and 10 min to change. So 30 minutes gone. Thought I was the one who is late but the all of them were ==. Set the booth up and had a last minute practice. Thought that open house would be boring but it turn out differently. Spent most of the time looking at other CCA booth instead of taking care of our own booth. Cool huh? After that, we dominated the hall playing badminton, soccer and crack out stupid and silly jokes with the Malay Department girls. At around 1.45pm, Adha and his family came along with Sabrina. His brother gonna join Zhenghua. Spent few minutes with them and at 3pm , they went home and we continued to control the hall again. Went home around 6.30 cause I have to accompany Syafiq.
Then on Saturday, we reported in school at 8.30 but I came early to practice. I'm into Djembe right now. Learning the instrument and killing time. Yup to kill time. !/3 of the day, I spent jogging alone or with friends. Another 1/3, slacking and studying and the other 1/3 playing computer games or spending time with my family. Well anyway at the open house, Hasbi, Sharil, Firman and me played soccer. While I was about to kick the ball with full strength, Rachael smsed me ==. The ball then went moving slowly. They laughed at me as i laid on ground. Ya thanks a lot hahahaha! After playing soccer, we went to the P.E department and played badminton. Played a few rounds and then Dirah and Amelia joined us. Played along with them and then we took our B.M.I. Mine was 20.1 which was normal, phew! Took all of their B.M.Is and laughed at their results. Well okay, that's it then. I could carry on but I'm too tired to type or rather lazy to type hahaha. That's all folks. Update again soon! Bye!
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School