Posted by Muhammad Danial Hannan

The last day of exam is tomorrow!! I couldn't be more happier after 2 weeks and 4 days of exams. BUT! Mother Tongue O'level is nearing. Like 20 more days?? I have to buck up on that. I need to get a minimum of B3. And the rest i can just boost on it.'s tiring these few days. It's raining cats and dogs right now. Lightning everywhere. I just love the weather right now. It makes me wanna sleep but the situation doesn't let me. Studied for Q.A just now. Took just 30 minutes cause i've studied for it before. D&T paper was the only subject that was easy. I studied briefly for it. Most of the question are quite okay except for the electronic part. Sucks at it although it's more to physics but generally higher level. Well that's all...i wanna play computer games!!!! Bye!