Have been watching Macgyver and Mind your language from morning till now. Foo you guys should watch Macgyver, he uses science to get out of trouble and saves the day. WOOHOO! well its an old show probably some would know about the shows. Listened to Chinese songs on the radio haha. Frankly, I don't understand what they sang. Just 9 more days to school. Its gonna be fun but N level wah! can die man. Whole days gonna spent on revisions but the fun will be there. Okay that's it for today. Post some other time. BYE!!
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Well went today, i mean yesterday hehehe. Didn't do a lot of things just that i bought another freaking game "Call of duty: world at war". Reached home bout 11pm close to 12 midnight. Tired and bored not to mention lonely hahaha. Think that's for today can't post much just to tired. HAHA post some other time freaks!! hahaha
All alone at home. My family went to Sentosa with my aunt from Kuala Lumpur. I'm left alone from 2pm till 10pm. whether they go Sentosa or make Sentosa also I don't know. So bored at home. Slack and slack. Chat with Adha biol,Sabrina bibir and Marissa gemok. Chatted with them till 11+. Ameer didn't tell us he got new girlfriend. So idiotic. Left me who is single for 15 years. WOOHOO!! hahaha what's to be proud of being single or having any relationship. Now I'm like a dead man on a computer chair. I can't control my anger. Why? Okay bye!
Went to Plaza to change my new shoes. Waste of time, bought new PC game for me to spend the ending days of the holidays. Yesterday night my little brother sleep with my parents in their room. So spacious hahaha but that night i felt something was not right. I suddenly got breathless and couldn't sleep that night. I say my Gods name a lot of time think more than thrice. Opened my eyes and saw nothing but i feel as if someone was on me. Then i got out of my bed and wanted to go to the kitchen but my knees felt as if they were loose. As if someone masturbate more then 10 times. After awhile i finally got control over my legs. Went to the toilet and erhem did my business hahaha and slept. Around 11am went to school and took my reserved books. Left only CME to claim. Well that's it then I'm out of things to say. Don't know why i'm speechless. Okay bye!
Had drums workshop today. Woke up around 8am+ haha. Nothing to do so i online. This few days is quite fun and exciting. Well back to the drum workshop thingy, learn a lot of techniques and skills. After that went to kopitiam and eat there, the rest of us were playing wrestling via psp. They played together and was so noisy. I couldn't stop laughing. Everyone looked at us. HAHAHA!!! so irritating when they played. Around 3pm, all went home. Rained when i return back home. Sleep and sleep after that. Haha. Then somewhere around 6pm i woke up. So crazy, wake up then i laugh. Crazy me haha. Well that's it for today. Post again some other time. Next time when i post you guys should read it. VERY IMPORTANT!! hahaha. Take care!
Update my blog using my handphone hahaha very anxious about it haha...yesterday slept late around 3am was sleeping peacefully when suddenly my handphone rang at 6.23am. It was the fool hahaha. Wish me good morning and told me after she come back can chat with her. LOL, thought she go Taiwan next week haha anyway I was dreaming of falling from a waterfall when she message me. ARGGHH!! spoils my sleep hahaha but nevermind. She needed to tell something to me. Then around 11.30am, Adha message me adn ask whether i can come to his house at 12noon. Another spoiler, i was dreaming of sky diving and suddenly my bloody phone rang. ARRGGGHHH!!! HAHAHA. Today did nothing much, just watch tv and play games haha. Jump from blog to blog. Look at Rachael's blog and saw on her tagboard. Everyone misses her but not me, never! hahahaha wah if she see this when she return either she will be angry or heartbroken. Well just hope that she won't read it haha. Tomorrow going for my Friday prayer and then go to Adha's house to slack. HAHA Well that's it for today. Update again some other day.
Stayed at home today. Played Xbox games, Ratatouille. Kind of fun and a bit dizzy. Played from morning till night and completed all the levels hehe. House bill confirm go up and my mom will scold me hahaha. Sunday gonna go out with family and relative walk to don't know where. FINALLY THERE WILL BE FUN HAHAHA. CHALET! YEA. Tomorrow slack haha. Day after tomorrow, slack. Next week, slack. Next month, slack. Next year,slack. Next decade, slack. Next century, slack. Next lightyears, slack. Everyday is a slacking day for me. DOn't know what is wrong with me these days. Kept singing to myself. Any song that comes to my head i will sing and try out my imagined drum. Nearly about 10 songs stucked in my head and i can recall all the lyrics. My family looked at me and say "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!" "No I'm not" I replied with a slumber face ==. Where's the fun? Next year....next year is next year problem don't want to think about it. So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so bored. Next big thing i'll do is read after bored of reading, i'll do my holiday homework. That's the end of my 'wonderful' life today. HEHEHEHE. Don't worry this is just temporary. Next years holiday there will be NO BOREDNESS hahaha. I can assure that.
Went to the doctor and the doctor said my leg is fine, its just a side effect of my previous leg injury. Now I don't need to worry about it anymore. Just that my leg need rest after a very harsh activity. Okay, change my blog skin again. Nothing to do. So sian. Forget to tell, after my check up. My dad massage my leg, put some ginger on it and wrap up with cloth and bandage. WHAT THE HELL!!! at night i have a hard time sleeping. My leg keep on...don't know how to explain it but IT WAS DAMN PAINFUL!!! hahaha. Went out of my room and bloody hell there was not a pain when i walk. Looked at the clock and it was 4am. Lucky my dad was not asleep yet. Knocked on his door and told him what happened. He said remove the bandage and the ginger. I did wah so obedient HAHAHA!!. After awhile the pain gone and i can sleep well.
Another sickening day at home and didn't know what to do. Damn this leg. Why must this kind of things happen to me? Is this a joke or a challenge in life that i have to face or is it a punishment for me? Only God knows. But please i need a way to free myself from this things. If I don't do it, who will?? Sometimes I wonder, why are we created? And for what purpose?? That's for us to find out. Only thing i knew is that i have to face everything on my own. *sigh* Wake up this morning and still nothing to do. Next week will a busy day for me. Cant attend Marissa's party. So sian and very pathetic. Miss my friends. Love them, loved my family HAHAHAHA!! Wished i can change the time but nah it will be a disaster hahaha. Especially an idiot like me controling time, right Rachael?? hahaha don't worry bout that she will agree hahaha. Well that's it for tonight post again some other time. Loves Hannan =) A thousand smiles by me. Cheer up
Sorry Marissa, I can't attend your party =(
Well wake up in the morning with nothing to do. There is drum practice at 10am. So sian. Well nothing much to post. Just that this holiday is killing me man. Holiday like not holiday. Go school, got homework, CCA, performance, practices. Sian leh. Well that's it for today won't complain much like and old man. Take care, loves HANNAN HEHEHEH!!!
Finally at home resting for the 1st time hehehe. Had open house today. Perform a lot of time. Well lets skip that. I just hate to talk about school today. Have been online from don't what time to what time. I just appear offline cos no mood to chat. Since the camp i receive a lot of message from Yan Ling haha...keep on messaging and messaging hahaha can't stand it. Laugh and laugh, think can go crazy. Everyone i talk to is always laughing never serious haha. Talk about a lot of things from relationship all the way till what i wanna be when i grow up hahaha. Life is so boring. Well i'm not asking to die early just that i need a miracle to happen to me. Something fun which i will never forget in my entire life. Never before this bored feeling will go away in my life. Now i'm online on my com and don't know what to do think i lie on my bed.BYE!
Today last tday of the camp heheh long time nvr post...okok lah i know, damn busy. Still at the camp using the camp laptop..ok you might be wondering how come camp got laptop?? Well not olnly laptop, our room is not a tent but a hostel..so you guys can imagine how the camp is like, all is air conditioned. Miss my pals and family although it's just 4 days and 3 nights but i make new friends here and i was so quiet and didn't know what to do. Tomorrow is the school open house, haven't practice for my beat...WTF! well last minute practice don't worry. I will perform well. Just watch and see...hais don't know what to say. I'm speechless these days..don't know why usually i'm the nosiest guy and now i'm the most quietest guy...everybody's changing even me. Well i'll update some other time.
Yesterday had another drum camp this time went to East Coast Park. Practice our item for the group competition. Then we pause for a while and had our lunch. Around 4pm we had the performance and our team won hehehe well my team name is SHAFEKS Batucada haha well i came out with the name using our 1st letter of our name and follow our band leader name which is Syafiq. Haha. Had games after that, the game was that we had to fill 2 bottles with seawater. Since i had no clothes on except for my shorts,i used my mouth.Hehehe. Our teacher said we can't swim in the water but after the game we anyhow jumped into the sea and swam hahaha. Our teacher start taking our pictures.Jump into the sea like hell haha but we swam for only about 30 minutes. Then went to clean ourselves and get ready for the ultimate event, BBQ!!! hahaha we cook the food and shout like hell while cooking. Took Mdm Isnani camera and start taking photos of all the boys and teachers. Around 9.00 night reach school. That school still gives me the creeps. Party inside the music room but this time it was abit quiet not like the other day. Reached home around 10.30. Should be study with Adha but was too tired rto study so i tell him some other time. Well that's for today folk, I'll update some other time BYE AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Woke up at 8am and bath. Eat my breakfast and get ready for school. Had drum camp today. It was fun. Got to throw water bomb at each other hehehe. Played dog and bone, played with flour and was split into 2 groups. Planned our beat and tomorrow is the real performance between the 2 groups. We will be having BBQ at east coast park. After the camp, went to Adha's house to get a 3/4 pants. Sabrina and Ameer was at his house. Played with Merzan all the way and then went home. So tired until don't know what to do. Hais. Well if you think that my my post today is a bit weird, I'm so sorry cause too tired and don't know how to post. Well that's all for today folks
Today is a very tiring day. Woke up at 7 in the morning, at 7.15 went to jelapang LRT to meet up with Hasbi. Around 7.30 he didn't arrived. So i just went in to school. After ffew minutes that shorty arrive hahaha. Did our D&T car for 1 hour 30 minutes. At 9.05 went for my remedial class, on the way to the class saw Sakinah and called her. She told me that Syafiq waited for me at the LRT and asked me to go there fast. Jog my way there and saw thaht fool with her friends. She called me by her favourite nickname "idiot" hahaha, got no time to teased her back as Syafiq was waiting so give her a smile. Well i don't think she saw it hehehehehe. Meet upp with Syafiq and he told me that he couldn't enter the school as he was wearing a light blue jeans and was not allowed to enter, so went to my house and borrowed my PE shorts. Reached school about 9.30 and went in to class about 9.50. Joke my way through the class and then Syafiq went to the toilet so i followed him. He washed his face and i waited at the door. After awhile he came out and i shocked him, he shouted "OI!" and kicked me hahaha laughed all the way in the toilet hahaha. Around 12 noon went to the D&T bull's eye competition. We lose hahah cos cant climb hehe. But we met 1 ex-zhenghua student, its a lady. She talked to Me,Ameer and Hasbi hahaha joke around with her and talked. Went to Ameer's house to take don't know what thing as he need to go to causeway. But in the end didn't go cos his mom went already...hais. Went home as there was nothing much to do alone. Sleep and slack, sleep and slack..lucky exams are over. Well not sure what is happening tomorrow just hoope that it will be fine =)
This holiday is packed with activities. Tuesday to Saturday is Drums practice for the Bukit Batok CC. Tuesday to Friday is maths remedial and Tuesday to Wednesday is the bull eye competition. Don't know where to go or which to participate. My head is gonna blow. Well just don't care about that, this few days have been slacking with girls from 3N1, Khadijah and Marissa and ofcos the 3N2 people like Adha, Ameer, Hasbi and Sabrina. Eat this, eat that. Walk here and there. Haha well at least we enjoy it. Played around, chit-chatting and joke around. They laugh like hell when i was around. When i was on the way to meet them, they were very quiet and talked normally but when i arrived, they start to make a lot of noise hahaha. Well that's it for today i will post more when i am free =)
Today had inter-class games. There was 1st softball, speed climbing and basketball. So we protested and wanted to change softball to soccer. Haha. Played soccer and won all the games. After school, went to meet with Adha cause Sabrina and him fought so must resolve the problem. I was so irritating but helped to solve the problem. Walked with Adha, Sabrina, Khadijah, Marissa and Aliff. Wanted to say but there are some unwanted person there,Aliff. Sabrina told me to talk to her but i just couldn't as Aliff was there. Kepo kia lah he hahaha. Went home after that and sleep haha. Was so damn tired and couldn't do anything haha.
Hais nothing to post today. Just so stress about class and something else. 3/4 of the class is going to stay back i don even know if i am one of them inside the list. Failed my maths i guess cause only 2 person pass the exam. Now, Marissa likes me after them disturbing us but thing is i have no heart for her. She is now confused because she loves khairi but like me. LOL. Well i hope she likes me as a friend and not more than that. But if she still have that feelings then i don't know what to do.
Well for hari raya outing on Thursday with my schoolmates. So lazy to update on that day haha well at least i update to day heheh. Yup it was noisy but fun. Went to alot of house and the girls planning sucks a lot. Stayed at 1 house for so long and they said we would only spent only 30 minutes per house. Got disturb by everyone. That Ameer walked with Farah and Faizzul walked with Illyas meaning to say that everyone will walk in pairs and i have no choice but to walk with Marissa. It was irritating when they disturb us. Well that's all for today.
Well this is at Marissa's house. 1st pic was formal and 2nd one is candit hahaha
Pic of the boys after going from my house and on the way to Ameer's house
Me and Meerzan(Adha's little bro haha)
Finally i online today hehehe..exams are killing me but nevermind just 3 papers more to go. Well the day before hari raya was tiring busy cleaning the house. The 1st day of hari raya was not that exciting as i was so tired. On the second day of hari raya went to school and i, Ameer and Syafiqah are the ones that come to school. Well nothing to post much hais. Now then can online. Bloody computer make me pissed off for no reason
My Family!! hehehe. Well The one wearing the scarf is my mom followed by my elder sister and my sister
That's the youngest child of all and very very irritating and naughty hahaha!
Well that's me Golden Slumber of the day hahaha...was so tired and the flash was so bright until cannot take it hahaha! Well at least i had fun hehe!
Ok thats it for today maybe i will be online and chating all the way hahaha.
Just 1 more day to go and its showtime!!...Have been studying Social Studies and there's a lot to learn especially on chapter 2 on Governance in Singapore but luckily Syafiq says on Chapter 3 which is about the health care in Singapore and Britain, he told me to just read briefly and don't emphasis on that too much. Geography teacher gave specific page and now waiting for Rachael yup its the fool hahaha. Well exams are near, wonder how many of my friends are studying right now. Hmm...Well its their loss if they didn't study. So ready guys for me to come back?? Haha..well that's all for today folks.
Its been a hard days night an i've been working like a dog...those were the two sentence that was sung by the beatles. Well its a tiring week for me espcially with chicken pox. Been studying and studying, well people are just worried about me but hey i will study and study. I won't stop studying because of this chicken pox. To you guys who have been countlessly messaging me asking me to come to school or asking me how am i doing, giving my homeworks, teaching me through msn. Well i can only say this four word and that is THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Love you guys. To everyone who is damn sick of waiting for me to come to school waiting for my hilarious,lame and idiotic/foolish jokes hahaha dont worry just hope and pray i will come back and when the day i come back. It will be a great and memeroiable day of your life with me hahahaha. Dont cry when i come back just SMILE =) haha.Well if you want to know more about my situation, the music i put explains about how am i doing. TAKE CARES! GOODBYE! LOVES! SEE YOU SOON!
Finally!! I can study peacefully without the itch on my body. If not 24 hours a day i will be scratching my body non-stop. Watched Wall.E also like that same goes for Hancock and Meet Dave...while watching i keep on scratching my body.Play Maplestiry keep on dying because of this stupid chicken pox...hais. Today i studied on Geography, Physic, Chemistry, D&T and Maths. Revised every single one of them and was so happy hehehe...think will only online at night and study in the afternoon. Must have good time management!!. TO THOSE WHO ARE STILL PLAYING OR SLACKING: Well its time to wake up your lazy minds and start working!!! End Of the Year exams are near and still u wanna slack and play. WAKE UP MAN!! hope this 3 words goes to your freaking brain. =)
The 4th day at home. Think it wont be boring day cause i have just downloaded mapleglobal v.55 and to those who are worried about me..dont worry, i've taken my medicine and applied calamine lotion on my body. Hahaha..okok i know what you are thinking *Maple?? noob lah* but please even at this stage i have no other choice but to play this game. well at least i never play habbo hahah that is the lamest game and chat room i ever see hahah but still i am a member hahaha..study? hah...i cant study with this irritating itch all over my body. If can long time i study. Watch Meet Dave...that show was ok and funny especially when they land on earth hahaha...there was this lady who smiled at him then he was like so blur and copy what the lady do and was so funny with his teeth and mouth wide open hahahaha. Try watching it at www.stagevu.com the video is clear but mus download divx some kind like adobe flashplayer but when u watch it, you'll be surprise with the screen. SO clear hahahaha....ok got alot of thng to do wish everyone is healthy and good luck for any upcoming test..i pray u guys pass with flying colours =)
The 3rd and boring day at home...wake up early, had my breakfast and ate my medicine. Well there is this particular medicine called "Chlorpheniramine" well its the scientific name. Just realised it can make you feel drowsy. Have been tolerating the drowsiness from morning till now. At 7.20am watch Ameer with his dearest girlfriend walked to school. Walked damn slow haha..went in the toilet and come out they still around my house area and no difference in their walking distance hais couples what can be said, i cannot study with the itch around my body just 7 days NO! correction just 6 days left hahaha wonder what is happening at school when i'm not around hmm...
2nd day at home..as usuall wake up late and on the computer from 2.30 till now. Hais did nothing much only Watch wall. E haha was so funny and stupid humans leave mother Earth with thrash everywhere...After which watch hancock such a stupid superhero. Lazy bump and a foolish one. People in class now knows my condition hahaha...Mdm Fauzana say out loud my sickness hahaha..well i cannot hide them forever. Well just 8 days left and got to study hard fro the End of the Year examinations..hais schools full of test and exams. Ok go to go now got alot of movies to watch and friends to chat with haha
Hais damn sick today..if i tell also..people will be shock. Stayed home and did nothing. Want to online but got no one online. Around 3+ onlime found out that Sabrina and Adha never go school. Chat with them and my com damn siao got virus i guess..WAH!!! Need to reinstall anti-virus. Keep on giving problem. My bvody itchy an dthis com give me problem. Damn unlucky..what to do haiya..2 weeks and 2 days to exam and important to pass. I Don't want to retain or go ITE. Must study!! People are going to miss me wahahahaha
Hais...nothing much to post, just today went to Bishan with few other boys. That hasbi seriously ask for trouble keep on farting. Then at junction 8 play guitar hero with Nazri and keep on losiing to him since it was my 1st time hahaha. Well that is what i do and did today...WHY SO HARD TO ONLINE THIS MONTH....SIAN LEH!!!
Went to school for my D&T. Finish up my workpiece. Me and hasbi was the only one who came for it. During our break we played computer games, Ms Yen allowed us to play since we are fasting wahahah. Hasbi keep on farting and farting while playing. Even when Ms Yen was there, he still keep on farting and she didn't even knew HAsbi farted alot of times hahahah such a disgusting fellow. Stayed until 3pm and then went off from school. Loiter around Senja viewing the scenry of the jungle...lol. Went home at 4.30. Sian arh. Tomorrow must come again cause i haven't finish sparying hais...YEA tomorrow go bishan don't what to do wahahaha. Think this month i'll be having a hard time to online cause i have my special night prayer which can last about 1hr hahaha. See how if i can online. To who ever who are waiting for me to online, ready to spam me or whatever it is,I am sorry if i never online...SORRY!!! =(
Today techears day was superb haha..thers's games and alot of stuff going on. See the people playing the games and disturb some of the girls playing soccer and was so shocked to know that our picture was captured when the girls playing the soccer wahahaha. At 9.00am, we get ready our insrtument and lucky it didn't rain at 8am. Gather at the stage and took alot of pictures there. Around 9+ it rained hahaha. Was so cold at that point of time cause i was standing near a fan hahaha got to know after i get my insturment haha. When performing, the light was damn bright and i couldn't smile but i remember the beat and steps haha. After school Wei Ping say our beat was good and was sad that we did not won any prize but then we told him that we are not in the competition haha he was paisey already and left hahah. Was so tired when reaching home until woke up around 6pm haha. Ameer called, Syafiq called and Ms Yen also called but i didn't amswer cause i was sleeping like a dead person. Return their called at 6.30 and now i am still tired haha.
Today so suay...was on the way to school when it started to rain heavily. WTH! All of my bag is wet,uniform, shoes and sock was so wet. Have been drying my sock and shoes from 7.00am till 1.30pm then i got dry. Class was abit fun..they say my face was damn pale as if i just rise from the dead wahahaha...around 12.25pm,that De Ming keep on making noise until i was pissed off and told him to shut up. He then scold my father. I turn behind and he ask me why i shout so i said i want to study. He said want to study look infront.Replied back how in the world am i going to study if you make noise? Teacher called my name 3 times so i look infront but then he called me dog which suddenly trigger my anger. People around me told to relax and i did. We were talking back at each other for 5minutes. Nadia got frightened and did not talk to me. At around 12.30pm, she ask me wether i cool down or not. Laughed at her and told i cool down 1 minute later after i fought with him. He was then send to blue room don't know for what reason. Just heck care with him. Gay tomorrow teachers day performance haha bought teacher presents and cards. Phew! was so tiring. Went home at 4pm and suddenly fell asleep haha
Today there is teacher's day performance...wah mother got alot of mistakes. Lucky there was a 2nd rehearsal and everything was going fine but the hand drum boys didn't move well. WTH! After that went home. Hais got nothing much to write. Well at least i write something than not. This is tro prevent anyone from asking me to write. "Hannan update lars" wahahaha wonder who gonna say that 1st haha..ok got to study for chem test. Wish me luck =)
Today after physics class, the 3T1 students says that got 2 people went in our class and took a PSP. Syafiq quickly check his bag and we also did it. After knowing Syafiq PSP was stolen, he got pissed off. All the 3T1 student saw the theif, so Syafiq went to Blue room to complain. Syafiq called Zam for accompany but Aliff was so busybody and followed them. After school, the malay boys waited for the culprit outside their class. After few minutes, they never come out. Sian lah...then want to go Plaza, accompany Hasbi see his brother. Called Ameer and Faizzul to follow us. Then eeeehhhh Rachael "Hi", "Bye" at us but i didn't reply. Zipped my mouth wahahaha. Followed us till 3E2 class then i say "you to follow us to Plaza?". She still keep saying "Hi", "Bye" hahaha. then i irritate her by following what she say in an irritating manner hahahahaha. Reached BPP. Follow Hasbi then met up with his brother. His brother treat us McDonald. SO GOOD. 1st time someone treat me hahaha. At 3.15 went back to school for teacher's day practice. Wth tomorrow is the rehearsal. Go office to take my IC but don't have. So tomorrow reccess time i go and take my IC. hais so tired sia
Today is the 3rd day i was disturb terribly and consistantly. Had maths retest, hope can pass. Went for my drums practice. Hais, my instrument was being change from the ago-go bell to the toms. It was big but light. Played it all the way. During the practice we make jokes. Wah this week and next week i am going to be busy. Thursday, drums pratice,Friday, teacher's day rehearsal, Monday go Ngee Ann Poly, tuesday, Malay oral, Wednessday and thursday, drum practice and Friday is the teacher's day perforrmance. WTH!. I wanna online on msn...see 1st if can i online if cannot..waaah but i make sure i online wahahaha
It has been raining since 3pm. Now haven't stop yet. After school went to Greenridge Shopping center, treat Ameer and Faizzul bubbletea.I was drinking my drink suddenly Adha came from behind and knocked on my knee. Saw him with Sabrina and Marissa. Guess what Adha have patch back with Sabrina hehehe. Adha ask how's Faizzul relationship with Eva and ask the same thing to Ameer. Then i say to myself alone and loud. I say "when u gonna have girlfriend?" Then they all laugh..i say i they only one with no girlfriends but then i remembered Marissa got no boyfriend. So i say me and Marissa gang cause got no stead...hahaha. After that Fai went home left only 5 of us. So we went to Plaza. On the way, they disturb me ask me to go with Marissa. At the Plaza, Sabrina treat us McDonald. She gave $10 and Ameer, me and Marissa bought the food. Ameer sat on the chair and left me and Marissa. He smile and laugh at us talking to each other. ==. Eat and eat left only few fries. Sabrina and Marissa haven't eat. So i bought them another fries.My turn again to treat.HAHA. All the way Marissa sit beside me and wth they disturb me more. Around 5+ then went home. So tired...until now they still disturb me in MSN. mother!!
Yesterday went to west coast park...eat at mcdonald then went to the park to play with my siblings and cousins..haha. Ate alot of fries then onion rings wah alot. 6 packets of fries and 2 packets of onion rings. Well actually not alot arh but after eating it, it feels alot. Bought drinks and ice creams. The ice creams melts so fast but then i came up with i brilliant idea or to some of you its stupid/idiotic/foolish. I combine the vanilla ice cream together with the milo. Stir,stir and stir until it became like a milkshake but not as sweet as the milkshake which i like. Too sweet can get diabetes wahahaha...went to the playground, played around there. Then 1 of my relatives stand on this thing which can turn around. So he stood there and i turned him round and round until he became very dizzy...i laugh and laugh. He nearly want to vomit. After that we want to go home. Guess what he was the 1 driving the car. HAHAHAHA. He drove the car very relax..at home he usually stop for awhile but this time he went home staright away hahahaha. He very dizzy haahhaa
Today we celebrate Singapore birthday an early one. It was great and joyful. Everyone sang the songs. Can't forget this event it was so memorable haha. Yesterday went to Zhenghua CC had performance at there but i couldn't perform since Madam Mis says I am still new so she gave me a task to take pictures and video of them. Reached school around 9.50pm a lot of strange, scary and funny encounters we faced in the school. Nah I wouldn't to scare anyone reading this cause some people are good at imagining stories that is being told. Well when i entered school saw something called Hasbi but he keeps on playing. At the lift we cannot fit everyone in there so we played the marching parade song...it was so loud and started giving commands which make me feel relaxed. Inside the lift we still played with the instrument but Syafiq saw white powder dropping from the lift due to vibration and we were stuck in the lift at level 2 cause we played too loud which caused the lift to vibrate and stop. After keeping the instrument we went off scaring Madam Mis but we still waited for her. She looks scary with her headwear and it was dark. At the lift area only Syafiq , Zaki, Madam Mis and me waited for the lift but after that i saw a figure. Called Syafiq and he was scared. I was so idiotic and show him what i saw. He kept quiet cause he didn't saw anything but then waaahh, They boys in the lift keeps making noise until i heard someone say in Malay "DIAMLAH SIAL!!" I thought it was Hasbi but couldn't be him cause the voice was like a very small boy after which followed by a scream. I ask Syafiq whether he heard that but Mdm Mis interrupt and say it was the boys. Faris the botak boy was scared so we sent him home haha. Then today Syafiq said that Mdm Mis heard that scream and said it was not the boys and was something else but I didn't mind as long we never disturb it. Watch the parade in school. Then went to the hall and watch the videos. When comes to the Indian wedding all of us look at Kang Rong wahahaha. This teachers day will be my first time performing with the drum boys so watch me on the stage cause it will be a surprise for Madam Mis haha SHHHHH…..REMEMBER NOT TO TELL HER!!!!
Video of the NDP perfromance
I was there taking picture look at the right hand side. OMG infront was the minister haha.Look at Syafiq see if you can spot his mistake quite funny actually...HAHA
Today in school went to for my drum practice(my new CCA). Waited at the music room for the people to gather. Waited there for the boys to assemble. Since the music room was being used, we went to the 3E1 class but the instructor was there and would not allow us to play there. Stupid old women keep disturbing me..cornered her to one side then went off. Played royal rumble and was so fun...tomorrow got remedial yucks. hais...eh got to go, there are somethings to settle.
Today is my sister's 14th birthday haha..Her friends came to my house have a mini party and did their project and was so noisy doing it. Saw cakes and presents didn't care bout them..My sis ask me, "all my friends give me presents and what will you give?" so i said" i pray that god will extend your life long like all my friends =)" She was == when looking at me then smiled. HAHA!! Tuesday is maths level test. Sian lah must study again...hais
Today in Mr Aljunied class, he made jokes. At 1st he say he was not in a good mood but after awhile he was okay. Say we gonna sit for test next week cause he give an option when to have our test so we choose next week but then he say he change his mind and start giving out paper. Got the question paper and a tips on answering the question. I thought he was kind helping us but then he sang a song that candit camera theme song and we got to know that we were being fooled. Then that Guo Zhen sleep in class. So Mr Aljunied made a plan to leave him sleeping after school. He look at the malay boys which is us smiling and laughing away "WAHAHAHAHA" He used our plan and it was a success. He was left alone but after few mintues, we shout his name. Guo Jie was shocl to see there's no one in the class. Laughed like hell and went home now chiong doing malay project. Tomorrow is the due date...haha
Today in class was disturbed by sabrina and was so irritating. After school went to Plaza library and thougght fo doing malay project but we didn't not do it. This is the 5th time we came there and never do anything ==. Stayed there and play a game that test our dareness. At first Ameer got it then Hakiim after that me and lastly Faizzul. But Hakiim got the worse. Kick his butt nearly 9X wahahaha... He went home and felt painful.But he say he's fine. Today was so tiring and tomorrow got english test. Got tips from my N1 classmates. So nice of them anyway we also like that help them. What are friends for eh? Haha
Ok i know this is the 3rd time i change my blogskin but i couldnt stick to one skin. All was so nice and think I'm going to stick with this skin, i hope. Pick this skin as it was plain and cool but i hate the title "The killers music idiot" which reminds me of someone. HAHA! School was boring today and I don't know why. I have 1 project to be done and then come another 2 more. WTH!! Think that tomorrow there is test English and Social Studies. Well i hope that there isn't any test tomorrow. I need to concentrate on my work this week and i may not be able to online for msn and could not post any entries. *sigh*. Well who ever reads this, take cares and good luck in your life =)
Went to ICA building alone, thought that my father will be coming along but he got to do his duty at the mosque so he'll be having his friday prayer there. I was so eager to make IC but after returning from the mosque, i feel tired then no mood already. Take the MRT , nearly fell asleep but luckily i have my MP4 player with me. Reached there, took my queue number and wait. Thought tha it will be long but it was short. Althought my number is B152 and currently it was B140. Then my turn. The person ask alot of things. Then come to my Arabic name and wth! It was so long. Helped the person with that thing and i can take my IC on the 21st of August. after that went to Sim Lim Square take the cab. Saw alot of laptop and handphone. I know lah Rachael, you've been longing to have those things. HAHA!!! BOught a new game, can't remember what the title. Spent 2hr walking. Go home after that still take the cab. OMG!!! use alot of $$. Got $10 left wahaha. Reached homw then land on my bed and sleep.
Today recess disturb Rachael call her favourite name. After recess we were called to the blue room. Everybody knew already what had happened. Its about Ms Tay. She was unhappy with the class but we were very quite.TO QUITE. Stayed there for 1 hour and 30 min. Our subject teachers were puzzled as they didn't know what happened. Write statement and got to write the names of the troublemaker and bla bla. Mr Sng told us that we cannot talk in class eventhough we are allowed to talk. NO group dicussion as we can talk. NO sleeping if want to sleep go blue room and he let us sleep in sick bay.The only person we can talk to is the teacher. Shao Xuan and Weng Kang was called up as their name was brought up by Ms Tay. Was so shocked to see them being called. Their parents are being called. So sian lah my class. Tomorrow surely will be called again. HAIS!!!
Today was raining heavily...rushed to school and luckily i didn't wet my sketchbook. !st period is chemistry and had a test. Studied for it for the last time. The paper was quite easy. After chemistry was mother tounge. When i and Ameer enter the class i was so shocked to hear that there will be a test. We sit in single file and was not prepared for it. OMG it was so difficult and not like the usual format as exams. Then after mother tounge went to the library to print my D&T pictures and was late for english class. Mdm Fauzana told the class to sit in single row. Heard her say it when i was on the way. I thought it was another test but false alarm. Our class was noisy thats why she said that. In her class she scold Hasbi for talking but say my name. I was blur cause i didn't talk and was quiet. She thought that i was Hasbi and Hasbi was me. HAHA!! For D&T teacher keep on lecturing. Class didn't not do what she told to do and at the end of the D&T lesson was another test. OMG!! Luckily it was easy. Went to greenridge while Ameer sent his gf home. Then turned back to scholl and had lunch at canteen. Went to plaza and slack. The intention was to do malay project but then we keep on slacking. After that went to Ameer's house and stayed there for awhile. Played blindmice again and was so fun. Faizzul and i want to sabotage Ameer but in the end we played square and fair and i got to be the blindmice. HAHAHA. Went home about 6pm and was so tired. Did my geograpgy homework and now i don't know what to do. I'M BORED!!!!
The continueation of part 1 haha... hais so tired sia today, went to town again, this time my aunty bought me a laptop again. I ask her " what about the old laptop?" she say "That 1 can keep or give someone else." In my heart i say isnt that wasting money??. Spent 2hrs just looking for a laptop. my brother was so impatient to try out his new skateborad. I told himw to wait but he keep on saying 'faster'. I just pick a laptop and straight away skate with my brother... so lame lar he, go there make stunt and all failed. But when i try all is a success. Haha. Got money from my aunty and unlce since they don't know what want. When they ask me i only say " You wish me to be a better man, clever, obedient, prosper in life and long lived can" They laughed when i said that. They say people usually ask for things but i was different. I said nevermind. Its better to be different from everybody. Wenr home bout 9pm and tomorrow got to go blue room for failing maths test. Well i hope i never failed. Wish me luck!
Went to my grandmother's house alone...about 3 o'clock my relatives all come don't know for what reason. All go there normally nothing special. Anyway i didn't expect much from them adn hoping that they don't remember my birthday. Suddenly, after i return to my grandmother house from shop, it happened...i saw cakes, present and the normal things that we would see on birthday party. All my cousins sitting around the cake and waiting for me to cut the cake. WTH! I open it and guess what all of them are ready to taste that cake, i smiled and was about to laugh. i cut it and distribute them...after my 1st round i decided to pray before the time end. After praying, i found out that the cake was all gone and i missed the chance of having a 2nd round. My cousin invite me out to town and bought me a new skateboard. After i fix the board, we went to skatepark to play and test my new skatebord. Went back to my grandmothers house and rest for a moment...now i am updating my blog and still have another part to tell after i come home after this. Now i'm going out agian and enjoy my birthday. Tell you the next part after i enjoyed todays perty. HAHAHA see you!
Had games in school some sort of a carnival...enjoyed it alot. At first we go to our favourite section which is the card games. Playede SNAP and was so fun. When we get the card, we shout like hell until whole school can hear..after that Mr Alan and other teacher wants to play with us. So Nazri and me played with them, both of us won the game. The teachers was slow. After the carnival ended, i was shocked to hear that i was called to get a prize. Didn't know that the game with the teacher was a competition. After Ms TAn mark the attendance she told me to get ready too go blue room as she say i fail her maths test. OMG!! How did i fail the test?!?! But still i never believe it i must look with my very own eyes. If fail then i just accept it. but really i studied for it and i shouldn't have fail it. But during the time that we did it, i was not confident. HAIS, SO SIAN LEH!!! Why when my birthday day is around the corner i become so unlucky?!?!?! WHY?!
Today Ms Ang make announcement that the 3E and 3N1 got to clear all their thing and bring them home as their class is use for the 'O' level exams. I was so glad that our class was not said...then Rachael massage me saying she wants to borrow my table to put her things, i let her and OMG!!! it was alot. Such a lazy bump to bring heavy things...well persinally i don't mind bringing alot of book in my back. Them after school alot of them come my class and put their things. After that went home and come out again to play parkour but in the end never play. So went to Ameer house and stay below his block. Went to the nearest playground and played blindmice. It was so fun and i had many bruises and my knee is swollen. Yea great...Tomorrow got Chemistry test, gonna to study hard. Oh ya, had maths test today and suddenly i don't feel confidence so i just do it and tried to remmember the steps and formula. Hais so sian..
Went to ABC market and eat at there. My aunty ordered seafood. When the food arrived i was so shock to crabs and prawn which i have problem eating them. My mouth was tempting to eat them but cannot caouse after eating them , my mouth would itch so i ordered nasi ayam and green applle ice blended. After eating, i was so hungry but i didn't tell my mom. Went over to my grandma house and stayed there. Then my uncle ordered pizza and i eat what i can and still i am hungry. WTH!!. Watch TV and then my uncle host a game and we played...he gave all sec 3 maths question to my cousin (primary 5)ann my two sis(primary 3 & sec 2). I smiled at him and all of them looked at me as if my face can give answers...haha. My sis won the game cause i gave them answers. My cousin and my pri 3 sis was so blur when i told them the answer. Take the cab and reached home bout 11+...was so tired and here i am updating.
Was on our way to plaza and suddenly at the traffic light Faizzul rememberred that he need to sent his girlfriend home and we were like WTH!. Turn back all the way and me and Ameer went to greeenridge while Fai fetch his girlfriend. Then we were on our way and BLAH BLAH BLAH....LOL. Went into the library and find about the malay legend. After few minutes of finding, Hakiim came and me and Ameer start playin with his handphone. We didn't know how to make it into timeer mode so Hakiim change the mode and we were rushing and pose anyhow.
LOL! anyhow pose Hahaha
After thet we walk around and Hakiim treat us ice cream...walk around and i saw this new game Call of Duty and straight away went home...
Today stayed back after school cause teacher want to see us. Then Syafiq ,Has and me went to greenridge shopping cnter to buy Has sketch book but was too expensive then wnet to senja grand shop which is $3 cheaper and bought 2 cos cher neeed 50 but he have 40. We then join the 2 sketch book and was very painful adn hurts alot. So we decided to went home and i did it alone. After i done doing that, i did my maths homework and halfway through i fell asleep. Around 7.40 i woke up and OMG!! alll the things that was on my bed is at their same position before i sleep and bloody hell my pen is still in my hand.LOL. And now i got to update cause that foolish old granny , Rachael want to see wth i've been doing. Well actually it is fun to read what other people did for the day and this is what i've been doing.LOL
Had dental check up today at school clinic and my teeth is nw white. After school went to Plaza with Faizzul,Ameer and Johairi. Stayed there and talk and talk. Went to the library .. Sit there and Jo keep on farting. Reached home bout 4.30 and do my D&T homework.SO SIAN!!
Today stayed back and had a talk on sexuality programme which was very digusting but useful. For PE we had softball game as our PE lesson. It was fun , we were shouting around jumping and running like hell. After school went to greenridge with Adha and bought bubbletea then went under my block to meet ALiff,Rizal and Hasbi. After that i went home and did my maths,D&T and mother tounge homework. Now i am chatting with Adha and Syafiq. LOL!!. Don't know what to expect tomorrow hope it will be fun and enjoable espcially Mr Aljunied lesson confirm will be enjoyable. HAHA!!
So boring today until dunno what to post...nothing special happen today maybe this coming week gt something happen.
Today is the 1st day of school. Went there empty-handed well not empty actually i bring my bag. Did my holiday hmwk at class all alone nobody was there. There was no lesson but some teachers conduct their lessons. My form teacher and Mr Aljunied. I dunno today his lesson was different and was very enjoyable. Well it was very boring and disappointing when we were in school. Dunno why we had thatt feeling and ameer agrees with my pm in my msn few days ago. I counted the numbers of days left. LOL. I put Countdown To Disappointment. And it came true.
Went to Sentosa (Tanjong Beach). Went there and spent the whole day there rather than staying at home and slack. Woke up bout 8am then waited for one of my relatives to arrived and he was late. He arrived at around 9am then we went to Fajar shopping center to buy food for breakfast.Then we were on our way and reached there at about 10am. Ate my food then straight away swam in the water. HAHA..i cannot wait anymore. Then at bout 2pm it was raining heavily and there was lightning and thunder but it didn't stop me from enjoying. I burry my relative in the sand as a result of being late HAHA. 30mins later the rain stops and we continu on swimming. Reached home at about 6+. So tiring...but fun
For 3 days i haven't sleep. Don't know what is wrong with me. Doing my projects and watch shows on my computer.Watch the new movie don't what the hell is the title but it is a cartoon show. Then watch Indiana Jones the new movie. OMG!! He is very old and still got the energy to perform such stunts. He needs to rest man. I've been jumping from blog to blog don't know what to do, so i've decided to edit my blog and took me 1 our to decidde on the skin WTH!!!. Chat with Jacky on msn all the way till 2 then APPEARED offline don't know why. My father,mother and my brother went to KK hospital cuase m brother had high fever and return home at 4am+. So now i am still on the computer doing my social studies project and bloody hell the sources i've found was alot T.T. Hope someone will chat with me and accompany me throught the night.
WTF!!..THE TRIP TO AUNT'S HOUSE IN MALAYSIA IS CANCELED!!!! Man, 23 more days to the end of the holiday and still i never go out of the house. Well cannot be blame, my dad says that my uncle's wife who is 4 months pregnant was shock to hear that she is having a miscarrige...the doctor told her that she was ok. No problem with her body it is just that she is too stress don't know for what reason. Well hope she is alright...Now what in the world am i going to do in this 23 days?!?! SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! I'M BORED!!!!!!!!
Today went out with my friends. Went to mall sight seeing. Then Benedict went home cause his mom sick only left me alone with 3 girls...like bodyguard haha. Then we went to greenridge. At there Cheryl's friend talk with me all the way. Disturb her like hell but not like the way i disturb Cheryl and Rachael. Since she 1st time with us so must make her get use to the way i joke. Then on the way home saw my brother on the way to my house. Walk with him...then he ask me accompany him to go to town in my heart i say WHAT THE HELL?!?! As if he is scared i mean c'mon 18 years old wants a 15 years old boy to company him?? If it was me then different story. Return home at 8. wah so tiring
Today is the jogathon.I won 14 position which is hard to get.Yar my class only 4 people come. Me, Nazri,Ameer and Syafiq. Then i went to the NE ambassador thing. After that went to greenridge to have my breakfast. Then went home and do my maths project. So difficult.Still gt malay project. Just have to wait for Fai and Ameer to be free from NCC
Today get result and i passed but if that continue confirm i retain for next year...after school went to BPP. At first want to see electronic product but we go buy bubbletea. Upon reaching there Fai & Ameer order their drinking. Suddenly out of the blue, Rachael the fool, Mei Teng and Li Ching come from the back. That fool shout my name then suddenly heart attack. Nearly half dead. Then go Ameer house eat cheese...at there my heart still pumping like hell. Then we went to the block opposite his house.Down there we play hop scotch. It was DAMN HOT!!!. My ez-link nearly melt sia. Fai so pro get 3 house then Ameer gt 1 house. They say if any of us get a house go home. So i open jason mraz-please don't tell her song then get a house so total i get 2. Ameer scold me like hell for getting a house... haha
Today went to Sakura Tech for D&T excursion but before that WTH i lose when playing bluff. Then i was dare. I must ask Azyani for stead WTF!!. They say must be very really so at 1st i go to her then they keep on laughing. So i took off my glasses then say to her. I say " Azyani when i 1st saw u at school i had fallen in love with u , so if can i want to stead with u" After that the whole malay boys laugh like hell. If i get the video from nazri i post it. Back to the Sakura Tech. The place was like so bloody high tech. I always disturb Mr Loy for no reason and he was so blur didn't know that i was refering to him. I called him names. Eat alot of food. I ate 7 plates of mee siam, 10 nuggets, 3 pizza,3 brownies and my favaourite 13 muffins. Then in the bus when returning home, they make alot of noise and everyone is sleeping, i just kept quiet and look out the window. Haiz
Just return home from my grandmother's house had a feast at her house. Play soccer at the court infront her house then got one aunty scol us for playing infront her house and wanted to report police if we never go. So stupid. We stop den return to the house. At 7pm most of my relatives went home already. Then my family left me alone and some of my relative alone so i go bukit panjang at 11pm then meet Michelle at Greenridge wah wait for her so long. About 30 minutes ya then very tiring sia waiting for her. Chat with her for awhile don't know what the hell i was mumbling about. I return home and straight away online. Then tuesday got soccer tournament with the express boys. Got to concentrate on that since the exams are over. I pass my MT paper 1, 37/70 ya very good.
Just 2 more days to go and it will be over!!!! Plus i will return back to my original self. No more studying and guess wad i can parkour again. Saturday will be going to the park jogging trainig for the coming jogathon or A.K.A cross-country. Well the faster the exams finissh the faster i can play again. Today no school so good can study for physics. The Art student finished exam tomorrow and we D&T student finish on thursday.Guess wad i pass my maths wohoo!!!. WTH i must organise for the trip to the old folks home and must think of things to do there jus to kill time. Man this must be a tough job. =.= Gtg i'll update nxt time
Haiz..the exams are killing me man!! Nevermind just 3 more exams to go then everything is back to normal again. Chemistry, Physics and D&T. ARRGHH!!! D&T haven't learn WTH!!! But Mr Goh got give the format so it will be easy plus drawing, design specification and blah blah blah.Hope the exams will finish fast just like it came fast. Maths paper 2 is so bloody difficult Damn!! But the paper 1 is so simple. Chem & Phy should be easy for me. Well jus wish me luck for these 3 exams. Wish you all pas your exams with flying colours!!
Lick arh Rizal never come for 2 days cos he very scared for his birthday bash today, But nevermind tomorrow comfirm kena by us. Yes!!!!math test cancel then tomorrow is the test. WOHOOOO!!!!. Must study but i think it should be simple. Today after school study with Faizzul then play parkour for awhile then we play school catching with the 2E5 students. It was fun . Go home at 4 then do homework
I'm gonna fail my S.S test. Not enough time. Stupid class makes stupid noises. I finish my 1st and 2nd factor but the 3rd halfway only. My S.S gave me another 5min which was enough to complete the 3rd factor. Luckily My 1st and 2nd afctor i do properly if not i would probally get 3/12 marks which i don't intend to get. If i fail also i'm not suprise cos the factor i give not enough evidence but i hope to pass. Nevermind tomorrow can relax. Afternoon i go out then at night return home. whoo!!.Ouh ya i forgot physics exam for paper 1 mus get full marks because it is MCQ question. YES!!!
Today got physics remedial then end at 3.00pm. Disturb Hasbi like hell carry him trying to make him fall from fourth floor to first floor but we were just playing. Go to senja play parkour. then Hasbi injured his leg and bleed his nose. I carry him back to where we seal our bag then go home.Reach home at 5.00pm. Haha. so tired
Today finish school at 4.30pm so late. Got the lifeskkill programme. Then want to go home raining, so rush to greenridge go to banquet to eat chicken rice. After awhile saw Eva with her other friends. Then got 1 boy always touch Eva then faizzul got angry. Cos Faizzul stead with Eva. I told him to relax and he listened. About 5pm go out from the banquet go to one block and stay. When thinking of what happen i feel relief not to have gf, so who wants to stead with me, probilly 60% of the time i accept. But i'm a relax guy. I don't care who my gf go out with as long they are not timer. Wah if i found out my gf is a timer. I ask wether she wants to continue our relationship or break. Simple question to ask. But hey, who wants to staed with me? i just act nerd then when the time comes i show my true colour. Maybe during poly. HAHA!!!
Today went to school for awards day. Go out around 3.45pm meet Reyn den go to school. Saw Swee Yang, Jonathan and Kai wen at the hall and we join them, Watch the VIP enter with drum boys and i help Syafiq take video of him entering and playing the drums. Wait there hearing the talk and was so long so i talk to Reyn and sms Rachael.Haha. After that got concert. I like the band playing the song "Do That thing you do". It was so nice den the handbell so peacefully hearing them playing make me wan to sleep. The chinese drum playing their drums amd then finish. Just like that. I think they need to improve the ending. After that went to Greenridge, Reyn treat me and Mervin bubble tea. We went together. Reach home bout 7pm and i didn't feel tired if not today never online
After school went parkour again but then very boring. Then went home at 5pm, do malay homework after that got nothing to do. Wah sey luckily the physics test was easy. If not i fail my exam. Thanks mrs Ouh. I didn't study for test cause the mock test was simple so i thought the real test will be simple and what i predict was true. When is the rain going to stop?? Hate it when it rains everyday. Then later going sick and cold cause of the rain
Wah lick ah, very tired today play parkour with Faizzul and the rest of the malay boys outside school. Alot of things i can do already, Gainned my confidence and strength. Then tomorrow got maths remidial finish at 3.30pm then go outside play parkour again. WOOHOO!! Then just now very great get caught by police cause Aliff and one of his friends smoking. Luckily didn't sent to police station. This cannot repeat again. I was so scared at first when he shout but then after awhile ok already. The police officer talk to us then make joke tell about his background. Then he give us his phone number, he said if someone bully us or got problem can call him. How kind of him.
Yesterday do alot of things. Do this, do that. Fix the new cabinet for my mother. Then jacky got to wait till 11pm for me to play audition. Wth i lose to jacky evrytime we play. Got 20 perfec, 34 great, 16 cool and 0 for bad and miss but still i lose to him. Nvm this is just the beginning for me. The most difficult part of the game is pressing the spacebar. pressing the arrows is not that difficult. Some more i'm colour blind and cannot see blue. So got no choice look at the bright part of the blue bar. Then around 12.30 the com suddenly shut down then jacky wait for me to online back but cannot. Sorry jacky!!!
Yesterday Syafiq say that today got no school. At first i believe him but after awhlie i started to think that he was making a joke and it really true. Today i trained for 2.4km. Damn it man gt 12min 40 sec which is a C. Then tomorrow i'll run with syafiq and make sure get A which 10min 20 sec. Then got to do survey after school. Hopes that the weather is fine tomorrow
Got nothing to write. So sian nothing happen. Stay at home during the weekends and jus on my com from 9am till now. Dunno when to shut down. Hahaha. JUs now ply gunz with jacky, weng kang, shenguan and dunno who is ns. he jus give his short form name. Ply with him till 12 den log out. WTH!!! better go school study than stay at home do nothing. Want to study at home also cannot ltr my little bro disturb me then cannot concentrate.
Wah luckily my phy test was postponed to 9/4/08. Then tomorrow is just a mock test. So good of my phy teacher. Luckily she understand that we don't know wad is the meaning of uniform. Not the clothes we wear to school. After school went to the library, do malay project and was not complete so i have to do it tonight. Wth sia sakinah ask me to teach her math. Then her class is so far away from mine. I also jus started on graph. Then how? Damn it man.
Came back from my uncle's house, so early return home. Wish i can stay a bit longer. Wednesday got physics test and i hope to pass my maths level test and get full mark as that test was done twice. What the hell is wrong with my class so slow. Just started on new maths topic on graph. Hope can finish before the mid-year exam. Luckily chem is only 6 chapters. Wish i can pass my exams
Jus return home from school. Decorate the malay classroom and i was bloody tiring. Drilling, painting, sweeping, re-arranging the chair and tables. But it was fun, esp when Johairi is around making jokes and disturbing people. The most tiring part is the drilling the bookshelves. There are all together 12 bookshelves to drilled to the wall. Zai and me was disturbed by that Johairi so we decided to disturb him back. Well i am very professional at disturbing people. So funny when he react. There is one part which is funny where Johairi drilled the wal and put the tip of the drill at Zai's leg and he screamed and say vulgarities to Johairi like a girl. Haha. When i heard him screamed, i laugh out loud till Mdm Mislimah ask what is so funny. At first i thought she was going to scold us but she too laugh upon hearing what had happened. She just advice us not to do it again as she was afraid that Zai might cry.Hahaha. The express students (boys) only play their guitars and play soccer. When the pizza come, they fiinished it all and left none for me and Isa to eat . so sad. So mdm Mislimah bought us chicken rice from the banquet. Well at least we can eat something then starve. At 5pm then we go home but Zai, Isa, Johairi, Fariss and me went to KFC and eat there but i didn't eat. We stay they till the rain stop but it didn't stop moreover it was 7pm. So no choice but to run home haha. I was soaked with rain water. Then tml got D&T at 9 am. FInish my workpiece. Hope can go home early and online my msn at 3pm. Bye!!!!
Very tiring sey, got sports day and what the hell i got last for 100m. As usual Rozai got 1st. In highjump i only pass 1.30m. After all the event, iwent to the eagle's group and sat. I talked to nobody. Haha. To make it short Eagle won 2nd. So funny, Hawk got al ot of medal but got last. Well at least we won. Whoo!!
Today, Nazri, Aliff, Hasbi, Ameer, Rizal and me went to Assumption english for the D&T cluster west games. We felt very odd as we are wearing red but we are proud. Our teacher ya very good, last minute then want to improvise our car.At 1st we try to act normal but we couldn't. All the girls are very pretty. I even gave my hp number to a girl but she never save my number haha. Our car last minute create problems. The front wheels don't want ot move. Then we lose, i guess but i know we not the last. When we want to go home we had some refreshments. Only muffin, currypuff and pie, all very small. We went home by walking, like going for a hike. Well we had fun ofcox but i felt we can do better.
Yeah i qualified for the 100m finals.Run like hell and finally i got ot the finals. Confirm during sport day i'll be the last cos Rozai, Haron, Zabib and Rusyad run very fast. Nvm i'll try my best. Tml got D&T project, I join competition and getting ready for it. So many comptetition. I only need to fix the motor then its complete. Today, i built the car and play beyblade using the equipment with aliff and hasbi. How childish of us but at least it was fun release stress. If gt time i take picture. Haha
Just came home from school for high jump. It was fun and i qualified to the finals without even jumping over the pole. So good. A lot of people never turn up for the heats thats why we straight away qualify for the finals. We did nothing but watch the other people jump. Juhairi make fun of the people but he himself couldn't jump over the pole cos he's too fat to jump and the way he jump is so funny. He jump like superman. But in the end he couldn't do it. Wahaha. This few weeks very busy. I got test and sport day heats. I only have to run for 100m, 200m semi-finals and also lon jump. Hope to make it for the long jump and beat Faizzul also the other B boys which include Sec 3,4 and 5.
During CNY i went to East Coast for BBQ. My auntie plan to spend time having BBQ during the holiday. As usual my bro and i went around with our rollerblade looking for a good spot to enjoy the scenery. Al lot of ladies went swimming with their bikinis, well what could i do. I only look away when i see one. We went around east coast untill at night. The night was so cold and refreshning. The place was quite dark. I told my bro to slow down but he insist on going so fast. Then we reach at a dark spot where there is lamp post but it is not switch on. Suddenly, i was lost and couldn't find my way. The idiotic thing i always when i'm lost is looking behind. For no reason i look behind and hit a lamp post. How stupid of me. Sorry i got to go. Got no time to say more, i must study for my Goe and Chem test which is on thursday. I'll continue my story next time. Bye
On sunday went to changi for challet. Go there around 4+. Upon reaching there i went inside the challet and relax for awhile. My cousins then called me to play badminton. I reject as i was very tired. Then they called me again to play catching.So at night aft 8, iwent and pplay badminton. Very suay sia, all the shuttle when inside people challet moreover it was not ours, it was the neighbours. Wah 2 more days to CNY. So good can relax a bit. Well this where i end. To all chinese who is reading this post, wish u a happy chinese new year.
Great. This few days there is alot of test!!!!!. Hate test makes my brain explodes. Luckily there is only few hmwk to do. Can't stay late at school. Very sian right? So i got no choice but to online my msn which i prefer not to do these few days. Electric bill go up. Haha. Get scolding by my mum for playing to much computer games. Haha.
Today, i went rollerblading alone. Then i met my primary school friends. All so tall and i'm still so short. Haha. Then i go home remembered that tomorrow got lvl test. Maths some more. Walao. Better study hard. Hope to pass the test. Pray that i will pass.Thanks :)
At 2.30 pm i went to air rifle, it was great. After air rifle i went to Sheng Siong with Joshua, Glenis and another 2 more person whom i did not know their name. Then at night i went out with with my friend Michelle. We go out then go home so late sia. Now i jus return home about 10 minutes ago. So funny sia when she tell about her school days in her secondary school. I still don't know what her school. Haha so i stupid don't want to ask her. For 3 days we go out to the same old boring place, Bukit Panjang Plaza. Maybe on thursday we go out to Greenridge Shopping Centre. Dunno what to eat what to talk. Haiya must plan 1st. But she evertime got something so say and do. So good, i wish ican be like her. Not to be a girl but to follow her attitude, very patience. She always likes to joke around and be serious just like me and Reyn. She 's different from other girls. She ussually very quiet but now she become so talkative. Well at least i got someone to talk to then talking alone. This year need to study harder. BUt with the help of my friends and teacher confirm i can pass. It just whether u want to do or don't want.
Yesterday, PE was the worse of all. Syafiq and the rest of us wants to play soccer with the 3TI boys. So we went in to the court and play. There was 2n3 boys playing soccer. Syafiq then tell to leave. But they were all not happy so syafiq kick their ball out of the school fence, it was an accident. So Ms Pek scolded syafiq and told him to take the ball but i was too dangerous for him as he was too short to climb so i help him and climb the fence. I suffered a lot of bruises but it was not painful hahaha! Today i learn al ot of new chinese words hahaha. i'll use it to go agaisnt that fool so fool i know now a bit of chinese and don't think i let u win that easily. Wahaha!!!
Today is the best day of my life, i spend 3/4 of the day at school talking to my friends cos no teacher around. Dunno why alot of teacher on mc. My MT, ENG & D&T teacher never come school. Bloody great. But if there is no D&T very boring cos D&T is fun. Tml practical whoo!!!. But tml i go and study with the fool if she want to study.But judging by her face she will eventually study. Maybe we study with mt. Dat mdm tan don wan to teach us. wat kind of teacher. My blog is not completely done. I 'll from Rachael bout this blog and see wether she can help me. Bear in mind that Rachael is a boy disguise as a gal. So if u want to state with her BECAREFUL!!!
Finally my cousins and uncle came to my grandmother's house.Now i feel happy cos there is someone to help me.Now the problem is my laptop which i'm using now needs to be charge every 3 days! Today at school very sian arh.Very boring. No more air rifle i guess. Anyway on Sat i went t o senja grand NTUC, i saw i very pretty gal.WHOO! At the counter she smiled at me and replied her smiled. At 1st i thought she laugh at me cos i was wearing something funny but then i realised she was laughing at me going to NTUC shopping for food. Is that funny to u? I guess not and i too think the same way. Back to the story, after that i went home. As my house is on the 2nd floor i decided to take the stairs. I went up and had difficulties in opening the door. Suddenly someone opened the door for me and guess what it was the whom i saw at the NTUC. I later found out that she was my neighbour's sis. Can imagine? Her sis iis a chinese marriede to a malay guy. But don'worry shes going to be mine. WHOO!!!!!
After school i went home walking with Si Xian. At first i feel very shy but after awhile i get use to it. i dunno why everytime i talk to gals i feel shy. last year not like this leh. why? After my friday prayer i go out rollerblading all the way to queensway. Sian arh for 2 weeks i got to to my grandma house very tiring and my schedule all are not followed properly. I got no time to play, chat, listen to music or go out with my friends. Haiya. Nvm only for 2 weeks mah. Anyway this year very fast past 1 week. After 2 weeks i'll be twisting and shouting. Hope to hang out with my friends
Today is my bad day. Could u believe what my PE teacher did to my class? The 2nd day of PE lesson she made us run 2.4km. Luckily i got the stamina to run 2.4. Many of my friends ask me: u run 2.4 ah? It makes my blood boils man but what to do, i cannot rebel to my teacher. i'm not that type of guy to show my rebellious attitude to an older person. Luckily i respect her if not her face blue-black already.Then after school i play in the rain which bloody fun. If only my friends was with me don't care lah boy or girl atleast they are with me playing in the rain. Think i'm going school tml going to have fever. Yea great!!!
Sian arh.... wat a tiring day, my bag full of books especially my D&T book. At 2 pm ileft school as usual then De ming create trouble n wan to settle it through sparing. When we sit at the block in front of the school Mr loy came, everybody ran like hell!! Hahaha!! very funny. At the LRT Syafiq run down the slope and fell. All of us laugh all the way. Very sia his face when he fall. But overall i enjoy wat had happened today.Hahaha!!!.Yea Tomorrow PE. Great!!
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
MSN:psychosis_public_nuisance @hotmail.com
Grant It!
Keep On Doing It!
Please Don't Do It
- Have been watching Macgyver and Mind your language...
- Well went today, i mean yesterday hehehe. Didn't d...
- All alone at home. My family went to Sentosa with ...
- Went to Plaza to change my new shoes. Waste of tim...
- Had drums workshop today. Woke up around 8am+ haha...
- Update my blog using my handphone hahaha very anxi...
- Stayed at home today. Played Xbox games, Ratatouil...
- Went to the doctor and the doctor said my leg is f...
- Another sickening day at home and didn't know what...
- Well wake up in the morning with nothing to do. Th...
- Finally at home resting for the 1st time hehehe. H...
- Today last tday of the camp heheh long time nvr po...
- Yesterday had another drum camp this time went to ...
- Woke up at 8am and bath. Eat my breakfast and get ...
- Today is a very tiring day. Woke up at 7 in the mo...
- This holiday is packed with activities. Tuesday to...
- Today had inter-class games. There was 1st softbal...
- Hais nothing to post today. Just so stress about c...
- Well for hari raya outing on Thursday with my scho...
- Finally i online today hehehe..exams are killing m...
- Just 1 more day to go and its showtime!!...Have be...
- Its been a hard days night an i've been working li...
- Finally!! I can study peacefully without the itch ...
- The 4th day at home. Think it wont be boring day c...
- The 3rd and boring day at home...wake up early, ha...
- 2nd day at home..as usuall wake up late and on the...
- Hais damn sick today..if i tell also..people will ...
- Hais...nothing much to post, just today went to Bi...
- Went to school for my D&T. Finish up my workpiece....
- Today techears day was superb haha..thers's games ...
- Today so suay...was on the way to school when it s...
- Today there is teacher's day performance...wah mot...
- Today after physics class, the 3T1 students says t...
- Today is the 3rd day i was disturb terribly and co...
- It has been raining since 3pm. Now haven't stop ye...
- Yesterday went to west coast park...eat at mcdonal...
- Today we celebrate Singapore birthday an early one...
- Today in school went to for my drum practice(my ne...
- Today is my sister's 14th birthday haha..Her frien...
- Today in Mr Aljunied class, he made jokes. At 1st ...
- Today in class was disturbed by sabrina and was so...
- Ok i know this is the 3rd time i change my blogski...
- Went to ICA building alone, thought that my father...
- Today recess disturb Rachael call her favourite na...
- Today was raining heavily...rushed to school and l...
- The continueation of part 1 haha... hais so tired ...
- Went to my grandmother's house alone...about 3 o'c...
- Had games in school some sort of a carnival...enjo...
- Today Ms Ang make announcement that the 3E and 3N1...
- Went to ABC market and eat at there. My aunty orde...
- Was on our way to plaza and suddenly at the traffi...
- Today stayed back after school cause teacher want ...
- Had dental check up today at school clinic and my ...
- Today went out with my friends. Went to mall sight...
- Today is the jogathon.I won 14 position which is h...
- Today get result and i passed but if that continue...
- Today went to Sakura Tech for D&T excursion but be...
- Just return home from my grandmother's house had a...
- Just 2 more days to go and it will be over!!!! Plu...
- Haiz..the exams are killing me man!! Nevermind jus...
- Lick arh Rizal never come for 2 days cos he very s...
- I'm gonna fail my S.S test. Not enough time. Stupi...
- Today got physics remedial then end at 3.00pm. Dis...
- Today finish school at 4.30pm so late. Got the lif...
- Today went to school for awards day. Go out around...
- After school went parkour again but then very bori...
- Wah lick ah, very tired today play parkour with Fa...
- Yesterday do alot of things. Do this, do that. Fix...
- Yesterday Syafiq say that today got no school. At ...
- Got nothing to write. So sian nothing happen. Stay...
- Wah luckily my phy test was postponed to 9/4/08. T...
- Came back from my uncle's house, so early return h...
- Jus return home from school. Decorate the malay cl...
- Very tiring sey, got sports day and what the hell ...
- Today, Nazri, Aliff, Hasbi, Ameer, Rizal and me we...
- Great. This few days there is alot of test!!!!!. H...
- Today, i went rollerblading alone. Then i met my p...
- At 2.30 pm i went to air rifle, it was great. Afte...
- Yesterday, PE was the worse of all. Syafiq and the...
- Today is the best day of my life, i spend 3/4 of t...
- Finally my cousins and uncle came to my grandmothe...
- After school i went home walking with Si Xian. At ...
- Today is my bad day. Could u believe what my PE te...
- Sian arh.... wat a tiring day, my bag full of book...