Today is a very tiring day. Woke up at 7 in the morning, at 7.15 went to jelapang LRT to meet up with Hasbi. Around 7.30 he didn't arrived. So i just went in to school. After ffew minutes that shorty arrive hahaha. Did our D&T car for 1 hour 30 minutes. At 9.05 went for my remedial class, on the way to the class saw Sakinah and called her. She told me that Syafiq waited for me at the LRT and asked me to go there fast. Jog my way there and saw thaht fool with her friends. She called me by her favourite nickname "idiot" hahaha, got no time to teased her back as Syafiq was waiting so give her a smile. Well i don't think she saw it hehehehehe. Meet upp with Syafiq and he told me that he couldn't enter the school as he was wearing a light blue jeans and was not allowed to enter, so went to my house and borrowed my PE shorts. Reached school about 9.30 and went in to class about 9.50. Joke my way through the class and then Syafiq went to the toilet so i followed him. He washed his face and i waited at the door. After awhile he came out and i shocked him, he shouted "OI!" and kicked me hahaha laughed all the way in the toilet hahaha. Around 12 noon went to the D&T bull's eye competition. We lose hahah cos cant climb hehe. But we met 1 ex-zhenghua student, its a lady. She talked to Me,Ameer and Hasbi hahaha joke around with her and talked. Went to Ameer's house to take don't know what thing as he need to go to causeway. But in the end didn't go cos his mom went already...hais. Went home as there was nothing much to do alone. Sleep and slack, sleep and slack..lucky exams are over. Well not sure what is happening tomorrow just hoope that it will be fine =)
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Hi Earthling!
How's your day?
I'm fine as always.
Well view my never ending life stories.
All the joy and jokes can be found.
There's no sadness nor frustrations that I'll show. Let it be a secret. Besides there's no time for all that.
View it, love it or hate it.
I'm just a simple guy, living in a simple world, having a simple life.
My principle in life?
Well nothing!
Do whatever you want and it's fine with me.
Wanna be friends? Sure!
I particularly hate liars. I can go wild and crazy with liars. Just don't lie to me even if the truth hurts. Hate me? I don't mind. I'll just treat you with respect and love. Remember what goes around, comes around. Love everyone in this world regardless of race, language, religion or the colour of their skin. Love them, like how you love yourself. Treat them like how you'd treat yourself.
Last words, LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST!! But hey, know your limits...enjoy!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
Grant It!
- My Own Room
- Peace!
- Pass My Freaking O'Level
- 2010 to end early
- New Pair Of Accessories
- My Life Back!
- A New Games!
Keep On Doing It!
I love and like almost everything except for those that are mention in Please Don't Do It
Please Don't Do It
- Bastards
- Bitches
- Empty Promises
- Back Stabber
- Irritating Assholes
- Bringing Up The Unwanted Past
- Lazy Hipsters
- Noise Pollution
- Today is a very tiring day. Woke up at 7 in the mo...
- This holiday is packed with activities. Tuesday to...
- Today had inter-class games. There was 1st softbal...
- Hais nothing to post today. Just so stress about c...
- Well for hari raya outing on Thursday with my scho...
- Finally i online today hehehe..exams are killing m...