Came back from drum practice. Finally enjoyment! Only a few of us came down. Syafiq, Nazri, Firdaus, Ali, Siraj, Faiz, Hafiz and me> Ayis came down last minute. Practiced for CCA Publicity and NTU on the upcoming performance in January. Woke up at 9.30am, was damn late. Supposed to report at 9.45am. Bath and get ready to hit the road by then it was 10.05am hahahaha! I thought that I was the only person late but it turned out to be that I was the first one hehehe. Draw out the drum room’s key and jamming for a while. At around 10.30, all of them started to come down, One by one. How irritating ==. Practiced all the way till 1.30pm. Then, Mr Yaziz invited Syafiq, Nazri and me to the kopitiam and slack there. Drank and ate there. Students from Greenridge Pri Sch disturbed 2 monkeys, a mother and child who was staying there. The monkeys started playing with them but they were afraid of it. The four of us laughed seeing the monkey playing with them. Then two policeman came down to get rid of the monkeys but it took them a long time to do it. Especially the child. There was this old man started to shoot rubber bands at the monkey. I was damn pissed off for such animal abuse but I couldn’t do anything. The monkey ran around the kopitiam and climb onto Syafiq’s seat. He was scared and of course me too. It my first time a monkey sat on my lap and wanted to fall asleep. Cats and dogs love to sleep on my lap and now a monkey hahahaha! After eating, Syafiq, Nazri and I sat at the nearby blocks to chit chat and soon after that, we went home. Well think that’s all folks, I have to go now. Didn’t slept yesterday and I have to go out tonight and also I have drum practices. Update again soon, BYE!
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Yesterday i went out VivoCity to watch a movie. At first it was with, Faizzul, Juhairi , Rachael, Dina and me but Rachael couldn't make it and Juhairi was busy working. Dina didn't tag along cause she had to be home by 6 as she's going out with her family to Malaysia. Then we decided to ask Adha, Sabrina and Marissa. So we were supposedly to meet up at 1.30 but Faizzul and I went to the mosque to pray and followed Marissa to sent something to Farah. In the end we met at 2pm. We took the train to VivoCity and reached there at 2.45pm. Bought our ticket for this movie "Couples Retreat" and waited for the movie to begin. Well the movie very funny and very educational for guys who has a girlfriend. Lucky me! HAHAHA! Went to meet up with Ameer. Faizzul and I went to do our prayer at the nearest mosque while the rest went to the coffee shop and waited there. All of us ate a lot of different food. I was still hungry though. After our dinner, we went to Mount Faber but walked the wrong route so we decided to went home instead of going into Mount FAber as the girls were afraid of the dark ==. Reached Bukit Panjang at 9.45 but Faizzul, Adha and me went home at 10.45. It was fun though the original people who were invited couldn't make it. Well that's all folks. Update again soon. BYE! And to those taking their results tomorrow, GOOD LUCK!!
Had a very very unforgettable drums camp. It was touching, happy and educational camp for me. Although we fooled around so many times but there're at times where it was very educational.
On the first day of the camp, we assembled in the bus bay to help Mdm Isnani and Mdm Mis. We then gathered at the music room for our grouping. Syafiq, Siraj, Firman, Fareez, Faris, Ashraf and me were grouped together while, Nazri, Hasbi, Sadiq, Firdaus, Hafiz, Anshori and Sharil were in one group. Our group called ourself Sound Desire because we love to play music. Any sound we made will always turn into music even a beat can make a difference. While Nazri's group is called Lisqizi which they took from the last alphabet of their name. We did our training with our instructor, Mr Yaziz. First, we're told to take any 2 instruments each and assemble back in the music room. We then pick our instrument that we wanted to learn. We sat in a circle. He said that, if you take a hand drum, your left would be an accessories and your right would be a stick drum. We did what we were told. At first we thought we're supposed to learnt the instrument that we want but it turned out differently. At the end of the practice, he told us this. "I told you guys to take any 2 instruments and look at what you guys picked. You picked the instrument of your choice but what happened? You guys played the instrument of your choice and your friends. Just like in life, you plan to this and that but it did not turn as it is. For example, you want to eat a 30 meter pizza but you only get 30 centimeter and are you thankful and grateful to have it? In life, you should appreciate what you have and be grateful for what you have and carry on with the flow. What ever happens, life must carry on" That is the part where i was touched by his words. Around !2 noon, we headed to West Coast for our games and activities. We played this game whereby you have to put the raffia string to your armpit clothes, pass down you shirt and out from your pants and then to the next person. We then played the human chain and then finish 14 bread in under 3 minutes. HAHAHA!! I finish all of it and boy, my mouth hurts but I'm still hungry ==. We couldn't play much cause it was raining very heavily and got to see few lightning strikes. HAHAHA!
Then on friday, we had our practice again with our instructor and at 12.30, we went to the mosque for our friday prayer. Around 3.30, we headed out to East Coast park. We dropped at the wrong carpark and had to walk for 1 kilometer with our instruments and food. Upon reaching, we set up tent and filled bags with sea water for our next activities. Played waterbomb dog and bone and water filling using only our mouth. Had our practice there and enjoy most of the time eating =). Around 9 headed back to school. Reached school at about 10. Perform what we practice and then the prize presentation. Was suppose to reached home at 9 but turns out to be 11. That's why I couldn't update yesterday. Anyway I had fun and enjoy the camp.
Group photo.
Relaxing and bathing at the beach
Monkeys posing in front of the camera HAHAHA!!
Us during the games.
For more pictures you can click here ---->> Photos
Well that's all for today folks. Hope you guys enjoy the photos as I do. Update again soon. Bye!
I'm tired today, just came back from camp. Update again tomorrow or some other day. It was fun and educational. That's all I can say. Sorry folks. Bye!
Hmm...I have nothing much to post. Okay let share what had happened during the open house. On the first day, I woke up late cause did my practice and went home late around 10.30 at night practicing the Djembe. Then woke up around 11am. Supposedly to report at 11.30. Yes to you guys, it might be still early but it took me 20 min to bath and 10 min to change. So 30 minutes gone. Thought I was the one who is late but the all of them were ==. Set the booth up and had a last minute practice. Thought that open house would be boring but it turn out differently. Spent most of the time looking at other CCA booth instead of taking care of our own booth. Cool huh? After that, we dominated the hall playing badminton, soccer and crack out stupid and silly jokes with the Malay Department girls. At around 1.45pm, Adha and his family came along with Sabrina. His brother gonna join Zhenghua. Spent few minutes with them and at 3pm , they went home and we continued to control the hall again. Went home around 6.30 cause I have to accompany Syafiq.
Then on Saturday, we reported in school at 8.30 but I came early to practice. I'm into Djembe right now. Learning the instrument and killing time. Yup to kill time. !/3 of the day, I spent jogging alone or with friends. Another 1/3, slacking and studying and the other 1/3 playing computer games or spending time with my family. Well anyway at the open house, Hasbi, Sharil, Firman and me played soccer. While I was about to kick the ball with full strength, Rachael smsed me ==. The ball then went moving slowly. They laughed at me as i laid on ground. Ya thanks a lot hahahaha! After playing soccer, we went to the P.E department and played badminton. Played a few rounds and then Dirah and Amelia joined us. Played along with them and then we took our B.M.I. Mine was 20.1 which was normal, phew! Took all of their B.M.Is and laughed at their results. Well okay, that's it then. I could carry on but I'm too tired to type or rather lazy to type hahaha. That's all folks. Update again soon! Bye!
Did nothing much today. Woke up and was surprise to my mom at home. She was supposed to go to work but didn't. i don't know why. She said she wanted to clean the house. I was like ughh!! hahaha. When she says "clean the house" is really like hari raya is tomorrow. She would take out all those pans, plates and cups out form the drawer and clean them up. Then she would clean the windows. Yup the whole house. She asked for my help but i told her that I will be sending Mei Ting's present. However, instead of her cleaning the house, it turns out to be that I was the one cleaning the house. Did what she would usually do in 2 hours!! Around 2.45 i got changed and was on my way to meet Adha under Faizzul's block. While waiting, Mei Ting sms me saying that she had just woke up. 3pm?! What the hell!! While waited for Adha, I looked at the present and found out that the bloody card is missing. I walked around 538 and couldn't find it. Then Adha came. We walked around the estates, wasted our time singing to skid row's song. Around 4.15 went to Mei Ting's block to pass her gift. DAMN!! Everytime when someone came unexpectedly, I will go speechless!! Didn't say much to Mei Ting because she came out of no where. Then Adha decided to go Greenridge but I wanted to go home. So I went home and while I was on my way home, I saw Mei Ting's card. YES THAT BLOODY CARD!! IT WAS ON THE DAMN ROAD RUN OVER BY CARS!! Why must it happened to me?? Lucky that she didn't know about it. If she found out, I'll be dead. Went home feeling tired and didn't know what the hell to do. Well that's all folks. Update again soon. BYE!
Well well well, look at how am I doing. Well I'm fine, just slacking around this few days. It seems that i couldn't do anything much. Well at least I'm having fun rather feeling bored for the past 3 years. The holidays during that time was very boring. I had to spent 4 days playing games just to get rid of the bored. I even chatted with my friends till 3a.m and it just couldn't get rid of the bored. I've been jogging every morning. It seems that I'm getting out of shape. Firstly, I'm getting skinny then I started to get fat. Now, I'm back to shape. Well in the afternoon, I spent the time resting or rather slacking at home and at night I would be spending the time at home with my family or wasting my time on the computer. Slept rather late on friday which was about 2.30a.m. Couldn't sleep. I didn't know why. Well if any of you is feeling bored, call me or message me. I'll surely entertain regardless of the time. Well that's all folks (It has been awhile since I never use that phrase HAHAHA!). Update again. In the meanwhile, enjoy your nights. BYE!
HEAVEN!! Finished all my exams! hahaha! Well what can I say I'm quite happy bout it but worried for my results. did I do for my 'O' Level Mother Tongue? Well at first, quite nervous. My head started to jam a lot of time and I just couldn't concentrate. Anyway it's over though. Now all I have to do is enjoy for the moment and relax my mind. Anyone wants to disturb me?? Do so because I have nothing to do.
WHAT A MESS!!! Cleaned yup my room and what the hell. there were a lot of dust under my bed. Papers, books, notes, and bags all under my bed and not to forget my little brother's stuff. KIDS!! All I have to do. What an irritant. Well I can't live without this computer. So I decided to online and have some fun. PLayed counter-strike. Becoming a freak right now.'s like months I have not seen my classmates. All of them knew I'm very busy. Well I am that busy. Nobody messaged me. Except for Mdm Isnani. I thought that I could spend the rest of the days with my friends but I have plans. CCA, open house and Drumzout. When will I enjoy? Currently I've been studying with Faizzul and Juhairi. Went to a lot of chemistry and physics classes. Not to mention the Mother Intensive. ARGH!! That's a killer but hey I've seen some improvements. well for Language subject, you don't really study. You only have to read some great essays and copy the way they tell their story. Well that's what I do. Even though there is no originality, still I have no choice but to follow it. Well forget bout studies. I plan to go out and watch some movies. Anyone want to join me?? HAHAHA!! Enjoy the day at the beach. Yes the beach. While writing I could smell the sea. The salty taste of it could be felt in my throat. The strong wind blowing straight at my face, whispering with it's seductive voice. HAHAHAHA!!! Okay, I'll stop. So how's life? A lot of problems I've been through, yet one problem remains. It's so hard to solve this but I could do it on my own. Nah, I won't say it. Let me handle it. Besides, I'm a strong guy. Not a gay. Well that's all folks. Update again soon! BYE!!
BUSY!! BUSY!! BUSY!! BUSY!! HAHAHA... yup I'm actually busy preparing for O' level Mother Tounge which falls on the 10 of November. So I won't be able to post or online till that date. Hope you guys understand. Well many things had happened to me but I have no time to explain. Maybe some other time. Well that's all folks. Update again soon! Bye!
Wow! How many days have I not been on the com? A lot of thing happened these few days. I went on Hari Raya outing on Monday and yesterday. On Monday, we went to all the 4N2 classmate's house. On this day itself, I went to Tiong Bahru Plaza to register a new line for my phone. Went there by cab and back to Bukit Panjang by cab too. Somewhere in the afternoon, we went to Hasbi's house at Yishun by cab and after that we went to Mr Ahamd's house at Yeo Chu Kang, countryside road. The house was damn big. All air-conditioned. At around 7.30 we board a bus to Adha father's house at Woodlands. Then went to Yew Tee by cab again to Eliyana's house. After that, I went home as there's a lot of people coming to my house for the celebration.
Then on Tuesday, I went to Johairi's house as all of us were meeting there. Again I woke up at 8.30 and got ready for the outing. Around 11.30 we went to Ameer's house and then headed to Ilyas's. After Ilyas's house, Johairi, Marissa, Ameer and me took the cab just to go to Segar ==. After all the walking around Jo's friends, we went to my house. Relax for awhile. In the mean time I take a look at the street directory just to see how stations to Yeo Chu Kang. After that went to Faizzul's house. I slept there for awhile. Was too tired actually. I too slept at Adha's house. Next to Mr Ahmad's house again. Then to Telok Blangah heights, Ms Siti's house. Ate pizza there. hehehehe. After that back to Bukit Panjang in a a cab. Let me see how many cabs did I took? Around, 8 times on these two days? A lot eh? Me and Johairi came out with a lot of money. At around 9.30, I have to went home cause there's a riot again hahahaha. This time not a lot of people came to my house. Now I'm sitting at the com playing games heheh. Update again soon. Bye folks
TIRED TIRED TIRED!! HAHAHA. Well it's the night of Hari Raya and I'm all worn out. Tired of cleaning the house and now look at it, all in a mess again. I have not finished cleaning it. I've cleaned my room, living room, sister's room, study room and the kitchen. Left my Mom and dad's room and not to mention the toilet! Will be doing a lot of visiting and eating. ARGH!! Not eating. I've been eating less this few days. Think I can't make it. Well that's all folks, need to continue to clean the house. To all muslims and non-muslims, I would like to ask for forgiveness for any wrong doings or hurt your feeling. You know me, once I'm hyper-active I could get out of control. BYE AND SELAMAT HARI RAYA!
Well It's the september holiday and what I did? Basically, I study. Building up my sec 4 foundation so that I don't have to study them again. Well things have been great this week. I get to study peacefully and I learnt a lot of valuable lessons. Well enough of me talking about studies. Well I had fun playing soccer with the sec 5. It was exhausted but hey I enjoyed it. Laughed and laughed while playing. Spending my time with Johairi and not with my classmates, They're having N Level and I have nothing to do but study and play. It's the first time I played since I was so addicted to study until I never updated my blog, my facebook account was disabled. Isn't it great?! HAHAHA! Well Hari Raya is just around the corner. I have this sad feeling in my heart which I don't know why. If want to be sad about someone, I have no girlfriends, my family is fine and healthy, friends are not the problem although some of them are like obstacles in my way. I just don't know what is wrong. Hmm...talking about friends, it's been a long time not meeting them. These days, I've been serious. There're no jokes cracked by me, only some. Some might know what are the jokes. I'm just bored. There are at times where I feel like going out but you know me, a lazy bump I am. Well think that's all folks. Update again soon. BYE!
i just got my result slip and was not satisfied with my maths, as usual. Well got a 'U' grade. I won't blame Mr Sng but I will blame myself for not concentrating on the subject. Well time flies very fast and just 15 days left to fast. Fast isn't it? 'N' level is just 2 days from now and I could feel the pressure of it. *Sigh*, my mom kept on asking me, people are taking N level but you, so why you are feeling pressurize? ==. I can't say anything but I will just keep on studying till I get the marks that I want. Think that's all folks. I have nothing to say. Goodbye then.
9th day of Ramadan. Well it was nothing. I can handle the hunger but not the thirst. I had been going to night classes everyday. Right after practice for teacher's day, I went home to change and then went back to school. Break my fast there and studied at school too. It is a tiring week for me. Look at how busy I am. I have no time to play games, slack or even chat on Msn. 31th August is teacher's day celebration. MUST WATCH! I don't know what to expect from it. Just that I'm too tired to do things. My brain is like going to pop any sooner. I need a break. Hmm...well I don't know what to post. Eh I just remembered about an incident on friday after the friday prayers. Well I was on the way to meet Adha when suddenly this little boy had a rental house advertisement on his bag. Ammer, Faizzul and me laughed about it. I go the boy and ask him how much does the rent of his house cost. He was blur. Then I ask again about the rental but this time with a reason, I have no house to live. He then walked away from me very quickly. HAHAHA! I didn't meant to bully him, but I couldn't take it when his face became blur. You should see the expression on his face. It was very funny. Well I can't carry on much longer but just to remind everyone to come on monday. That's all folks. See ya!
Wah today is the fasting month and there is a lot of things happening. A lot of clashes. Teachers day performance and practice. Maths remedial and evening classes. Not to forget, fasting. I don't mind the fasting but the clashes. ARGH!! Never mind that, I failed my maths by 2 marks! Out of all subject why maths?! It is the important subject for me to pass. 2 more marks! Please at least give me a method mark. I passed my english, ss, N'Level malay and D&T. Man! Now I'm having a hard time to play computer games. Busy with O'Level stuff. Actually, I'm lazy to switch on the computer and play. Studying all the way and sometimes I'm addicted to it. What to do? At least I'm doing something better and worth to be done. Well think that's all folks. I want to play computer games HAHAHA. Since I'm free and if you guys waited for me to online but I didn't, I'm so sorry. BYE!!
Okay, I know i have not been blogging this few weeks. I've been studying and preparing for my O'Level and I had just finish my prelims. How should I say, maybe my marks will be okay and it's either going up or down. Who knows besides, I am not as lazy as I was before. Today, school was as per normal. Had P.E today but I didn't bring my attire, forgot. Anyway for P.E we had this vendor who came and teach us this sport, crazy cups where we...ARGH! How should I explain this? Hmm...all I can say is that it was boring. Didn't enjoy it at all. Spent the time in school doing nothing but daydreaming. It got worse since I started learning O'Level stuff. O'Level may seem the same to me but I have a bad feeling that it will be worse. All the nights I've been spending it very wisely. It's about time for me to change my system or the way I'm living. This is my O'Level and nothing, nothing will stand in my way. Well I think that's all folks. I'll update again soon, eventually hehehe. I MISS AND LOVE YOU COMPUTER!!! HAHAHA!
Okay here’s what happened on my birthday. I’m sure many of you want to know. Came to school as per normal. My entire classmates look at me in a sarcastic manner. As usual everyone was making noise in class so I too join the fun making so much noise. Then after school, they wanted to bash me but I was busy helping Adha with his art. 2.30, I went for my D&T and complete my P-board. Went home early as I had a flu and IT”S KILLING ME!! HAHAHA. Everyone wished me as I walked out of the Lab. At night when to Sab’s block and then a ‘miracle’ happened. The bought me a cake. A slice of it had dropped before they meet me and guess what. As I was holding the cake, they use the dropped cake and splat it on my face! Went to Macdonald to wash it away. Then I remembered I had this plastic bag in my bag. So I filled it up with water and kept it inside my bag. Walked to Rizal’s house. While walking. I throw it to Adha and Sabrina. Faizzul laughed. They where wet. Sab said that she had just changed her clothes and what else, I throw another one to them again. WAHAHA! Enjoyed the time at Rizal’s house and slacked all the way till 11. Went home after that and was so tired. The End. Well that’s all folks. Update again soon!
I'm gonna die soon! Really! Don't believe?? == Up to you guys. Hahaha just kidding. I won't go that soon but if I'm going, I will ask God to give me 1 more day to live and I would kneel down and ask for forgiveness. So what if I'm gone? People will be sad for 1 day. Cry for 1 day and remember me for 1 day. After I'm being buried, they would forget me and continue with life but if there are people who still cry and hoping that i would still be alive, well I'll be in your heart and pray for you. No matter who you are. But I strongly suggest that you do not cry and be sad about it because I'm no one to you unless you really love me for what I am and treasure me in your innocent hearts. I do treasure the friendships and love that I've been through but some are for a short period of time. Some forget their own mate whom they knew for a very long time and was like brothers but turn their butt to who they call as their 'guardian angel'. Never Life I would do that in my life. Even if my girlfriend ask me to leave them. Well we'll live for a short period of time and there's no time to fight, angry and be sad about anything. After all this world is for the time being. Everything will die. Even this motherly Earth. It's dying anyway but it's is our responsibility to take good care of this Earth. Tell me where are you gonna live when there is no Earth. Mars? Well there is not enough oxygen for you to live there. Save Gaia. Saving Gaia is like saving your own ass from truoble trouble. So if you wanna be safe then i suggest, urge and beg that YOU SAVE THIS PATHETIC MOTHERLY EARTH WHICH IS GOING TO DIE SOON!!! Hais. Well some people have no sense of love. Love is a very big meaning. Love of a family, friends and your girlfriends/boyfriends. Love should not only be express to humans but everything and anything in life. By showing love is like showing how you appreciate and care about. Try to love everything that is around you. We must appreciate what is around us. No matter if you're poor or rich. Young or old. If you life is like hell, means there is something wrong with it and all i can say is be patient. "Patience is a great virtue". Without it, you would be very hot-tempered. I am lucky to change to a very patience person. I was very hot-tempered and would do all those things that is wrong but i changed although there is one thing i can't stop. HEHEHE. It's too late to express your feelings to a person who lies motionless in a coffin and then cry, showing how much you care for them. Show your love towards them now. It's not to late. Even the love you show to them is not big but it is very meaningful. It'll be very meaningful to those who treasure deep in their heart. In return they will express every feeling and everything with their heart and soul. Nothing can replace the love that is being express even money can't do that although some thinks that money is the solution to everything. Can money bring my dead grandparents?? Can it?? Well the absolute answer is NO!! Well I think that's all i guess. Just think back what i said. PLEASE!! Don't say that everybody's changing. Try asking the people around you. Am I changing? People never realize that they change. Well that's all folks. Update again soon. BYE! LOVE YOU!
WTH WTH WTH WTH!!!! 3rd august is the prelim examination. My heart beat damn fast like a double paddle bass. I am not prepared!! I need more time!! WOW!! How am i going to do? Is it time to panic? Must double up. There's no such thing as own time, own target. Well no com, no playing, no slacking, no such word 'lazy' exist in my head dictionary an most of all, WORK DAMN HARDER!!!!! I only got 1 shot to make my mark boost up. Have been studying these days and it's damn slow. WOW! look at the time. Update again soon arh, eventually. That's all folks!!
Well just returned home from Orchard. Had a buffet in Royal Scots Hotel. Ate there but the food was nauseated. I can't ate much so just consumed what i can. I ate, sandwiches, sushi, cream puff and vegetables. Then i ate, nasi goreng with chicken, meat, and fish cake. After that i ate the junk food. Mush mellows covered with chocolate cream and ice-cream!! Haven't ate ice-cream for a very long time. Stayed there and continued on eating till 5.30. Then went to walked around town. Many people were looking at us, specifically me. I was puzzled but i continued on walking. Played in the arcade for a while. Went home about 6.30 but reached Bukit Panjang in 7.30 because i was lost == and the bus drove very slow plus the was a slow traffic ==!! Me and Firman then meet Sabrina and Adha. Chit-chat for a while and then went home. Reached home bout 9 and here I am blogging and haven't bath hehehe. Okay update again soon. That's all folks. BYE!!
I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE!!! In love with INSTANT NOODLES!! WOHOO!! hahaha. Yea not with a girl but with instant noodles. Had been consuming it for the past 5 days. Bought it at NTUC at a very cheap price. Then kept on eating and eating it. Mom keep nagging at me but didn't stop me because she knows i will exercise and keep my body fit and strong. Well have been quite busy these days with D&T and school work. School was fine except that there's a new system for our recess. We have to queue a 1 arm length and sit with only 6 people at a bench. Best part is that we have to go in by this entry point and wait for a few moment to buy our food. Well today right after my D&T, went to play soccer with Adha, Ameer and Hasbi near the basketball. After awhile, Rizal joined us. Played until 5.30 and was then told to go home by Mr Lim. We did what was being told. Walked my home and then I saw this honda car white in color and the number plate was very familiar. I tried to recall and later found out that it was Mr Sng wahahaha!! I didn't what his wife was doing with her face while she look at me. As if she was very shocked or making funny face wahahaha. Reached home late at about 6 and no one was at home pfft! Well on Monday i'll be going to carousel at royal scots hotel to celebrate the winning of our competition. Jealous? Anyone? Jealous? hehehe. Well i wish that it would be very fun, delicious and enjoyable moment. Well that's all folks. Update again soon! Well take care everyone. BYE!!
On Saturday went to VivoCity, Amphitheater hall for drumzout competition. As usual before any performance, we practice in school. At about 1p.m, we were on our way there. reached there about 2. 2.30 was the briefing and then had the sound check. Walked around Vivo. At 4p.m we changed to our "uniform". Took pictures of the surroundings, performers and their performances. Well after few hours of waiting, it was our time to perform. Wasn't scared or felt nervous just that i was happy to be on stage but with my poor eyesight, i couldn't see much wahahaha!! Well i lazy to type from A-Z but i'll let the pictures do the talking.
Video of us performing. ENYOY!!
WE WON THE DRUMZOUT COMPETITION!!!! HAHAHAHA. 1st price. I didn't expect us to win. All i was thinking that Soul Percussion will win but i was wrong. Run like a mad dog down the amphitheather. Collected our price and jump and jump like monkeys. We were very happy and proud. Well all my feeling can't be expressed in words and hahahaha. Just couldn't stop thinking about that day. To everyone who supported us regardless at vivo or at home, on behalf of the drum boys, i would like to say thank you. Well that's all folks. Update again sooner or later. Bye!!
What a tiring day. Had drum practice from 10a.m. to 12 noon. Then changed and went to Lavender with Rizal. Took the train at about 1p.m. and reached lavender about 1+. Joked around in the train and disturb Rachael. Call her just to say OLD!!! wahahaha. Rizal laughed. Went around Lavender just to look for sponge and PVC sheet. Spent most of the time walking here and there. We couldn't stay still for a few moment and kept on laughing every time. Then went to meet Adha and Sabrina at causeway point to buy somebody's birthday present. Was stressed on the way there. Kept thinking of what to buy. Think damn hard until finally i knew what to buy. How can i not be stress when I'm so tired of walking and laughing. Bought the gift and card. Sorry I can't tell what it is or else it wouldn't be a surprise wahahaha. Went home after that and reached about 7+. Planned of what to write for the card. Planned so hard until i wrote it the other round. WTH!! hahaha. Actually I told her i can't online as I was "busy" but now I'm online and chatting with her hahaha. Sorry arh, I'm a bit high right now. Keep on laughing and laughing. Well that's all folks. Update again some other time. BYE!!
HOME SWEET HOME!! Came back from AEM. 5 days straight have been going for that course. Singapore Poly, Singapore Poly, Singapore Poly, Singapore Poly and Singapore Poly. HAHAHA. After the AEM, went to Lot 1. Followed Old Fool and company. Walked here and there. Hakiim, Xiang Ang and me walked to game shop while they were busy waiting for the item. Then we went home, Left Rachael to walk alone while we secretly change direction. HAHAHA. Then at the escalator, I told Hakiim and Xiang Ang to walk away from them, leaving Rachael birthday gift with Hakiim. HAHAHA!!!. Then BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. We met back at the LRT and went home. As usual inside the LRT, us and our crap plus the fighting hahaha. Met The Famillia just to receive a bad news. ==. Ameer and Marissa broke. I was like WTH!!! 1 week never meet them, something bad happen. Bad luck? Think it's me wahahaha. Okay arh! I'm too tired. I miss my computer, MUACH!!! HAHAHA. I'll update soon. Well that's all FOLKS!! BYE!!
Had been busy nowadays...On monday was Adha birthday. Bashed him like hell wahahaha. Poured milk mixed with an egg. Threw water bag filled with flour, acrylic paint and water. Ran like a mad dog. Chased after Faizzul and Aliff. Was so tired after chasing them. After all the bash, Adha chased after us and dirtied our clothes. Then went to D&T to do my artifact. On tuesday I too did my artifact. Same thing on tuesday. See how busy I am. No time for family, friends and study. Yesterday did my artifact but after that went out from school and played soccer with this small group of kids. Obviously we won. The way they played was so funny until i laughed and rolled over so many times and today they still invite us to play with them again. Well that's all for today. I'll update as soon as possible. 20 June drumzout competition @ Vivo City. Please come and support. Thanks!! Bye folks!
Well today school was as per normal just that only LESS THAN 20 PEOPLE CAME!!. Lucky Nazri came, if not i would be all alone in school. SS played this game from Cool game. Then did some worksheet during Chemistry. Maths lesson, Mr Sng talked to us about life i think. Hahahaha. I forgot what he said. Then D&T. Ms Yen treated the 9 of us drinks and food. Around 12 noon did our product. Then was Geography. Did nothing just chit-chat. Simple to say school was boring today. With only 2 person what do you think me and Nazri could do?? At most we make our own jokes and laugh at it. But there's something different today...MY SHOE STINKS LIKE HELL!!! hahahaha. During drum practice, i couldn't concentrate. With that kind of "aroma" how on earth can i concentrate?? Well tomorrow there is 4 period of maths. WOOHOO!!! hahaha. Need to do practice paper. Well think that's all for today. Update in a few millenniums hahaha just kidding. Will update if i can online. Heheheh. That's all folk. Bye
The exams are finally over!!! But i still have drum practice to attend. 19, 20 , 21, 22 and 25 May. Can you imagine?? Damn! When can i relax?? Anyway think that i can pass my exams except for maths hahaha!!!. Well today was dnt and it was quite easy and for the first time what i studied came out. Will be very busy till this June. drum practice, audition on 30th May, AEM course on 8 to 12 June. Don't know when is the dnt product making. Could be any of the june holidays. After that i'll be a free man. Nothing to worry only O level. Okay think that's all. I wanna enjoy today. Play games!!! Woohoo!!. Bye folks
I tried to be perfect
But nothing was worth it
I don’t believe it makes me real
I’d thought it’d be easy
But no on believes me
I meant all the things that I said
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own
This place is so empty
My thoughts are so tempting
I don’t know how it got so bad
Sometimes it’s so crazy that nothing could save me
But it’s the only thing that I have
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own
(On my own!)
I tried to be perfect
It just wasn’t worth it
Nothing could ever be so wrong
It’s hard to believe me
It never gets easy
I guess I knew that all along
If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I'm trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own
I tried so hard to change but i need more time. Things aren't easy. Its easier said than done. Support is what i need. Family and friends are all around me giving support but i can never run away from problems. Each problems give me strength to carry on. Life is so hard these days. All those times i made u down. All the trust that was given is now gone. But still you shower me with your love and happiness. Without you i'll be lost. The nights and days wouldn't be the same without you. If only i never made that stupid mistake, i would never know how you love me so much. After the things i've done to you and all can say is that I'm sorry but it is so hard to say it. All these things that i've done and look at what i've become. You mean so much to me. If I could start again, I would throw it all away to the shadows of regrets and you would have the best of me. I know that I can't take back all of the mistakes but I will try. Although it's not easy, I know you believe me cause I would not lie. Just give me a chance to make things right. I'll assure you that things are not going to be the same. I'll not let the black history to repeat itself. Just give me a chance.
Went to study at Plaza with Ameer and Marissa. Studied, talked and as usual joke around. Bought pearly bandung at mr bean. Wah $2 gone. T.T Well met up with Sabrina and Adha at about 5.30pm then went to Sabrina's house and that is when the party begins. Had to wear make up, lipstick and eye lashes. Don't what is wrong with. Fell like I'm becoming a gay. This few weeks, sat like one, walk like one and my hand can't control. Well back to the party. My face changed from a man to a gay and Marissa said i look beautiful. OMG!!! Adha and Ameer too had to the same thing. Took some pictures and i was so embarrassed of myself. tried washing those things from my face but can'!!! WAH!! After that went home and was so tired. I won't become a gay man. NEVER!! haha okay that's all folks, see ya!
Stayed at home with nothing to do. Today suppose to go out with the Famillia but i can't cause today i have religious class. So stayed at home. Surf the net and did nothing much. Listen to musics in youtube. All the 80's rock bands. Cool huh? Well nothing much to post today. If i continue on further, you could hear all my stupid remarks about today hahaha. Well that's all folks nights!!
Yesterday was so boring. Message all my friends and called Ameer. Then at night played uno with Ameer all the way till 12 am. Was fun actually. Today in school, had 5 stations for P.E. Maths lesson as usual, boring haha. Nothing much happen in school actually. Hais why so boing?? Someone or anyone message me, I need someone to entertain me. Damn boring, wish there is a show or performance that i can go to. Study for all my test and now nothing to do. You expect me to study again? Oh please no way. Study once can already. Everything is in my head now. I don't want to overload any information to my brains. Later brain breakdown. Eh, brain breakdown?? Isn't that dead?? hahaha well obviously many want me dead haha. How irritating i can be? Well it couldn't be worse than anything. Could it? hahaha. Life is a one big game. Where only the winners are getting paid. That's a lesson to be learn. Well that's all folks. Post another time. Now i want to continue on drawing flowers and stupid stuff on my sketchbook. Since that's the only thing i can do. Feel bored or lonely, just text me. CAUSE THAT IS WHAT I FEEL RIGHT NOW LOSERS!!! HAHAHA!
Had became an Indonesian maid for 8 hours... during my tuition around 9.30am got a call from Sabrina. Was shocked to see her name on my call list as she never wake up that early. Picked up her call and she asked whether I'm free today? So I said yes. She asked for help cause her sister is engaging today. Went to her house and saw a few people eating. Saw Adha and Ameer at a bench and was sitting there relaxing. The best part is that they said it was done. I sigh and say " What the hell, I ran like a mad dog to help" They laughed at me. Chatted with them for awhile. Then went to eat. Saw this lady, a cousin of Sabrina. She was pretty. Laugh and joke around bout her. Then people finished eating and the dishwasher went for a break. So I helped and wash the dishes. Adha and Ameer then joined. Phew, as more and more plates, cups and utensils came in, we were tired. The fun part then began. The rain was pouring like cats and dogs. All my shirt and pants was soak with water. They then splashed lots of water on me. What else, we started playing water, spraying on each other but I hate when the part where the utensils keep on coming one after another. We were frustrated and just keep on washing and washing while playing with the water. Around 6 plus, our job was nearly done but then more plates keep on coming in. WAH!!! Have to clean again the area and the plates. My clothes are damn wet and couldn't take in anymore job. Then finally the job was completely done. With all my clothes wet, i straight away went home and don't care about anything.
To Sabrina: Thanks for the food and hard labour. Hahaha
To Sabrina's sister: All the best with your companion.
MARCH HOLDAY IS COMING!!! WOOHOOO!!! Finally can rest for awhile. Peace from everything. Well today had sports day, came late around 7.35am. To me is very late. Marked our attendance and report at the competitors corner. That old lady cam after that. HAHAHAHA. She was nervous as usual. All 1st timers are like that. What to do? When she was about to run told her to breath in and out. Make her "relax" a bit. HAHA. After all the event its was the 4X100 meter. exchange with Ameer so become the 1st runner. Scared he couldn't make it so exchange. Things got bad when it was Nizam turns to run. He slows down a lot but won 4th place. After that went off for the CCA relay. Adha said i run so fast. Pass 4 student. But in the end got a 3rd last position. HAHAHA. Did face paint on my face. A pirate face to be exact. Went to Lot 1 and eat with our "hilarious" face. Played block catching. Then went home. So tiring. Okay i'll continue chatting with this old woman, Rachael hahaha
Memories come and go. Just like the time that pass. It just never feels the same. Why must it be this way? What went wrong? The best friends I knew are now gone. fading away one by one just like the leaves that fall down to the ground. All the joys we had. All the pain we faced and all the love we shared were the times we had. The bond between us all was so strong that nothing could break us apart. I thought we could last forever but my thought was wrong. We are now like a building that are full of cracks. One earthquake could bring it down. i think and reflect about us. We are facing and breaking apart. That is not what I want. first it was Kat. Now Adha and Sabrina. Next who?. Ameer? Hasbi? Marissa? Seeing KAt leaving us because of his boyfriend was when my anger start to grows. The flame that is burning make me dislike their relationship but who am I to interfere? I am just a a man who have no will to fight. I prayed to God to give me strength every hour to face it but my anger keeps on burning seeing him. Adha and Sabrina, you guys were like the happiest couples I've ever seen. Ameer and Hasbi was the joker among us but now those jokes don't even work. Marissa was like a singer that sings with her lovely voice bringing peace in our hearts but now the peace is gone. Marissa and Sabrina, you guys were like sisters, going out every weekends and spent the time together but because of an innocent man that came between you guys was what make you guys break apart. You might see me smiling every single day lightening up your day but actually I'm hurt inside. The wound which has one cure can save me. I sit at the window seeing the lovely sky thinking of those wonderful times we had. If only I could reverse time, I would want to be in those glorious moment. All those times, the love that that was building up now shatters as the days goes by. If only you guys read this, I would want you guys to understand.
----Everybody's Changing------
You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can
You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why
So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same
You're gone from here
And soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
Cause everybody's changing
And I don't feel right
So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same
So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing
And I don't feel the same
Had a lot of things happening to me, test, school work, sports hits and performance. Passed my maths test, finally!!!. School works is still becoming more and more. Sport hits is the one i've been waiting for. Joined 100 meter, long jump and 4X100 meter. Turned up for the 100 meter but not the long jump. Qualified to the semis hahaha. It has been raining cats and dogs and the lightning was fooo, loud, scary and shocking. Performance tomorrow!!! at Pasir Ris. Night time. Hais. Been working hard this few days, so tonight i can relax a bit. Well hope you guys read this cause i know i have not been updating my blog hahaha. Sorry folks. Okay that's all. See you next time. Chaw
Have been busy these few weeks. Sorry for not updating. Phew, what a tiring day at home. Sometimes I feel like not coming to school but it's important to come. My head is seriously going to blow into pieces. I'm suffering right now. Suffering from a disease called school. Homeworks are increasing like the mountains. Tests are falling like rain from the dark sky. Information from teachers to students is coming like a meteor shower down to earth. Study a lot these weeks. Fail my maths test. Have no idea how on earth I can fail that bloody test. Everyone was shocked to see I’ve failed. Syafiq too failed the test. I can't slack man. Lucky D&T was a bit easy. Ms Yen make a time management for us. Love her! Have been coming late for school. Waited for Marissa at Jelapang LRT with Ameer. Every single day, we’ve been walking to school together and spent some time with them after school. Adha and Sabrina joined us. We are like family now. Closer and closer we got and sometimes we are very very very open to each other and shared lots of secrets and we are not separable from each other. We are like water. No matter how many times you try to cut the water supply or slash us, we’ll remain as one. Nothing shall stand in our way. If anyone tries to separate us, I’ll shall say this “Over my dead body!” Now I’m far away from my other friends. For example, Rachael. HAHAHA!!! Long time never call her names. See her everyday but never talk a lot. Jacky, Weng Kang and Shao Xuan. Not even a Hi! Or Hello. My look at how busy I am. Can’t believe this is happening to me. Is there any free time for me? Is there? Well I’m going to continue with my work. There’s a lot of it to be completed. If I’m not online or never post any entries, forgive me. You can message me anytime. I’ll be glad to entertain you guys cause I’m bored. HAHAHA See ya!!
Today was the Chinese New Year concert. Played all the time behind stage. Was so bored while waiting for our turn to perform. Play and play. Then went to the hall to watch other performance. Ease my boredness. HAHA. After the singing performances, it was ours to perform. YESSA!!! haha. That performance was the most different performance from the rest. We jump like hell, dance like hell and beat like hell HAHAHA!!. After school went to Sabrina's house and watch Dawn of the dead, bloody hell the show keep stucking and stucking. Watch other movies. Think is Ghost potrait. Ameer and Marissa cramp on me. Alot of susupense but very very very irritating when you watch with friends hahaha. Went home about 4pm. Now I'm watching Forbidden Kingdom. So great. Didn't have the chance to watch when it's shown on the cinema. Well that's it folk post another day. If i got the video of our performance I'll post it. I got hilarious comment from my friends HAHA. Okay, Bye!
Went to plaza to study with Adha, Ameer and Sabrina. Went there about 1.45pm. Adha told me that it was their anniversary. Did my homeworks. Adha couldn't stop taking my ugly face in a candid way. So irritating. Sang some songs together with him. Can duet arh both of us. HAHA. Ameer came bout 4pm. Said 3.30 but came 4+ worse than Marissa. After that Syafiq, Nazri and khairi came to join us but then Khairi left cause he needs to go to his grandmother's house. Played wrestling games through Syafiq's psp. Lose to Ameer the lanjang. Reached home about 6.20. Chatted with Khairi in msn and on the phone with Ameer. We had difficulties with some D&T stuff and now i'm slacking around on the computer didn't know what to do. I don't know why i love the computer more than myself. HAHA. Alone at home, everyone went to grandmother's house. She sicked. Hope she will cure. Love her so much. Seeing her go is the most saddest part of my life. I could remember clearly, when i was a small kid. I couldn't be separated from my mom. I would cry if she is not in my sight. Everywhere she goes, i would follow but my grandmother would be the one taking over her place and give the same love as my mom. Okay i got to admit, i was a cry baby when i was small. Now not anymore only that i couldn't be separated from my mom. Still got the old me inside. HAHA. Well i changed a lot. Remembering the past would make me happy but remembering the new me would make me feel sad. I could go on blabering about me but i won't. So this is where i will stop. Nights!
Well sorry for not posting, been busy with school. Homeworks, Chinese New Year rehearsels and studies. Alot of things had happened for the past few days. Well i'm going to talk bout today. Too tired. So, everytime in the class room when Azyani walk away from her seat, me, Hasbi, Nazri and Syafiq would perform an Indian traditional beat. So fuuny. The whole class laugh bout it. Stayed back for english remedial but then there isn't any remedial. Just a short test. Decorate the classroom. Disturbed people walking pass our classroom. I scared Mrs Ouh. She was shocked. Luck got no heart attack =X. Then i try to scared a few girls with the rest but foun out that it was my own sister. All of them laughed. At home she scold me for scaring her. HAHAHA!! Got to go for through train, was so unexpected. Well i happy bout it. That's all for today. Wish everyone is happy with schools. NIGHTS!!
First day of school!! woohoo!!. Suay for those who get caught for attire or hair. Hahaha! Well i can laugh all day but it's rude. So, i didn't talk much just happy to see my friends and teachers especially Mr Sng. Miss him at the blue room and catching people with discipline problem. HAHAHAHA!!! Nah just kidding. Well there's a lesson to be learn, cut your hair before school reopen!!! hahaha. After school, went to greenridge to eat. Then went under Adha's block and played this kind of skateboard but with only 1 wheel on the front and back. Tried a few times but failed. Well after awhile i got the hang of it. Played that thing and then went home. Was so tired after that. Well actually there's a funny video about the skateboard. Marissa tried to ride that thing but cant and she keep on shouting very loud. Lucky no resident complaint. hahaha Well that's all folks. BYE!!
Tomorrow will be the first day of school and i'm prepared for it. Well something is definitely something is wrong with me. I've been reading poetry and i came up with a few poems of my own. HAHAHA!! Now is not the time for me to post the poems but someday i will and maybe you might like it. I won't guarantee that it will be a good one but i'll try to make it sounds nice. Did nothing much today just type the lyrics of a few songs in my handphone. You might say "So bored until type lyrics in phone ar?" and the answer will be a yes. Miss my friends and miss disturbing them. Hehe. That's all for today folks. See you tomorrow for those who read this. BYE!!
Hi Earthling!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School