I'm gonna die soon! Really! Don't believe?? == Up to you guys. Hahaha just kidding. I won't go that soon but if I'm going, I will ask God to give me 1 more day to live and I would kneel down and ask for forgiveness. So what if I'm gone? People will be sad for 1 day. Cry for 1 day and remember me for 1 day. After I'm being buried, they would forget me and continue with life but if there are people who still cry and hoping that i would still be alive, well I'll be in your heart and pray for you. No matter who you are. But I strongly suggest that you do not cry and be sad about it because I'm no one to you unless you really love me for what I am and treasure me in your innocent hearts. I do treasure the friendships and love that I've been through but some are for a short period of time. Some forget their own mate whom they knew for a very long time and was like brothers but turn their butt to who they call as their 'guardian angel'. Never Life I would do that in my life. Even if my girlfriend ask me to leave them. Well we'll live for a short period of time and there's no time to fight, angry and be sad about anything. After all this world is for the time being. Everything will die. Even this motherly Earth. It's dying anyway but it's is our responsibility to take good care of this Earth. Tell me where are you gonna live when there is no Earth. Mars? Well there is not enough oxygen for you to live there. Save Gaia. Saving Gaia is like saving your own ass from truoble trouble. So if you wanna be safe then i suggest, urge and beg that YOU SAVE THIS PATHETIC MOTHERLY EARTH WHICH IS GOING TO DIE SOON!!! Hais. Well some people have no sense of love. Love is a very big meaning. Love of a family, friends and your girlfriends/boyfriends. Love should not only be express to humans but everything and anything in life. By showing love is like showing how you appreciate and care about. Try to love everything that is around you. We must appreciate what is around us. No matter if you're poor or rich. Young or old. If you life is like hell, means there is something wrong with it and all i can say is be patient. "Patience is a great virtue". Without it, you would be very hot-tempered. I am lucky to change to a very patience person. I was very hot-tempered and would do all those things that is wrong but i changed although there is one thing i can't stop. HEHEHE. It's too late to express your feelings to a person who lies motionless in a coffin and then cry, showing how much you care for them. Show your love towards them now. It's not to late. Even the love you show to them is not big but it is very meaningful. It'll be very meaningful to those who treasure deep in their heart. In return they will express every feeling and everything with their heart and soul. Nothing can replace the love that is being express even money can't do that although some thinks that money is the solution to everything. Can money bring my dead grandparents?? Can it?? Well the absolute answer is NO!! Well I think that's all i guess. Just think back what i said. PLEASE!! Don't say that everybody's changing. Try asking the people around you. Am I changing? People never realize that they change. Well that's all folks. Update again soon. BYE! LOVE YOU!
- 4N2
- Adha
- Amalina
- Ameer
- Azyani
- Cikgu Isnani
- Eliyana
- Faizzul
- Fara
- Faridah
- Habarinah
- Hamizah
- Hasbi
- Hui Min
- Jacky
- Jie Liang
- Jun Xiang
- Khadijah
- Khairul Bunnie
- Kimberly
- Kinah
- Marissa
- Mei Teng
- Nadia
- Nana
- Nurbaya
- Rachael Fool
- Rejab
- Sabrina
- Shao Xuan
- Sheng Guan
- Si Xian
- Syafiqah
- Syahidah
- Syamirah
- Thahirah
- Weng Kang
- Yan Ling
- Zalilah
- Zulaikha
Hi Earthling!
How's your day?
I'm fine as always.
Well view my never ending life stories.
All the joy and jokes can be found.
There's no sadness nor frustrations that I'll show. Let it be a secret. Besides there's no time for all that.
View it, love it or hate it.
I'm just a simple guy, living in a simple world, having a simple life.
My principle in life?
Well nothing!
Do whatever you want and it's fine with me.
Wanna be friends? Sure!
I particularly hate liars. I can go wild and crazy with liars. Just don't lie to me even if the truth hurts. Hate me? I don't mind. I'll just treat you with respect and love. Remember what goes around, comes around. Love everyone in this world regardless of race, language, religion or the colour of their skin. Love them, like how you love yourself. Treat them like how you'd treat yourself.
Last words, LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST!! But hey, know your limits...enjoy!

- Muhammad Danial Hannan
- Singapore
NAME:Muhd Danial Hannan B.M.R
BORN:20 JULY 1993
SCH:Zhenghua Secondary School
MSN:psychosis_public_nuisance @hotmail.com
Grant It!
- My Own Room
- Peace!
- Pass My Freaking O'Level
- 2010 to end early
- New Pair Of Accessories
- My Life Back!
- A New Games!
Keep On Doing It!
I love and like almost everything except for those that are mention in Please Don't Do It
Please Don't Do It
- Bastards
- Bitches
- Empty Promises
- Back Stabber
- Irritating Assholes
- Bringing Up The Unwanted Past
- Lazy Hipsters
- Noise Pollution